Thanks Brad – for posting this picture. This spot up near Managha we have been doing food plots and QDM for the last 5 years…most of the bucks that we have seen were small 8’s, under 125. We have been controlling the doe to buck ratio’s so to see more quality bucks. My buddy Mick owns this property, he was on a walk on his property with his dog “Pepsi”, all of a sudden the dog got wind of the deer and start pawing at it, Mick thought it was probably shot by a neighbor during the end of the 2007 season and died on his property. He obtained a DNR permitt for this buck, we dropped it off today at the Taxidermist to do a european mount. The taxidermist thought it should gross in the 140’s. It’s sad that the deer had to go that way, on the other hand, it is great to see what QDM will do if you let me grow up!!!