So I go out to do a little shed hunting yesterday and find nothing except a set of tracks walking across the field. So I’m kind of peeved because nobody has permission to be on the land. The tracks went right by one of my stands so they weren’t out to get my stand. I scratch my head a few times and figure someone must have walked on looking for sheds because mid winter(dec-feb) I was haveing 30-40 deer a night come out to the field, and alot of these deer would make their way close to the road. After aking my way back towards the truck I decide to walk through where these deer would stand hopeing to find a shed or 2. Well I found something out of place but it wasn’t a shed….It was a carbon arrow about 20 yards off the road with the veins in the direction of the road. I was not only ticked someone would shoot a deer from the road on private property but it was in the hayfield and I’m pretty sure if the farmers cows would have gotten a carbon arrow or better yet a muzzy broadhead in it’s stomach, he would be extremely upset! Grifter you haven’t been by my land lately have you? JK But anyway some people sure have alot of nerve
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