What is the case in favor of “no-knock” raids? Listening to Kare 11 and WCCO last night, there isn’t one. I call BS on that. There is an apparent reason why no-knock raids are done. High probability that the suspect, if armed, will react violently when confronted. Probability is the keyword. How high does the probability have to be for a no-knock raid to be justified? Put yourself in the cop’s shoes. What percentage chance are you willing to give a suspect the drop on you for when you can reasonably expect a violent response?
On the news last night, one of the experts against no knocks said in most cases, when an individual is served a warrant with a large and well-armed police presence, they give up on the spot. Makes sense. Now Mr.Expert, please tell me about some situations where things went wrong with knock warrants with a well-armed group of police. The expert and reporter failed to inform me properly, only giving the pros without the cons. I don’t want propaganda. I want hard data, facts, and counter-facts.