September 6th?

  • steve-fellegy
    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294

    Heard via the grapevine–that could be a “key” date?

    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294

    And the “rumor” is now “official”

    “Closing the walleye fishing season on Mille Lacs earlier this month would have devastated area businesses and communities,” Dayton said. “Thanks to the strong 2013 class of young walleye, we were able to keep the walleye season open on Mille Lacs without negatively impacting the health and future of the walleye fishery. I thank the Chippewa bands for their commitment to restoring the health of Mille Lacs and its walleyes.”

    The "IGH"...
    Posts: 2092

    Gutless pieces of you know what in our circus of a government. Cant wait to see what the ringleader does for Winter fishing. Limit 6? Idiots…

    Posts: 42

    The idiot finally got some balls and did the right thing and the tribe backed him down again. Makes me sick. If they don’t open it up to some harvest this class will eat out all the forage and we will have a disaster again…..

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11126

    minutes ago

    1. mille-lacs.jpg

    Posts: 7348

    Makes a guy wonder what kind of cards the tribes threw down that made the government shut er down immediately.

    N Metro
    Posts: 172

    Now all the guys looking forward to fall trolling are not to happy

    Evan Pheneger
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 838

    This was the best part of the article…

    “”From a biological point of view, we’ve done a good job” of maintaining the lake’s walleye population”

    All I could do was smile as I read it )

    Once again I do agree the DNR are handcuffed here and I do agree they are more than likely good well meaning people… But stop lying to yourself and us. You made a mistake on this lake in the past… Stop pretending you didn’t.

    central MN
    Posts: 202

    Makes a guy wonder what kind of cards the tribes threw down that made the government shut er down immediately.

    It’s pretty simple really, mess with the Feds they quit writing you a check. The state has no control, governor goofy had no ground to stand on and someone finally told him the repercussions of what he was doing. Great drama but nobody ever believed he had a say did they??

    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>nhamm wrote:</div>
    Makes a guy wonder what kind of cards the tribes threw down that made the government shut er down immediately.

    It’s pretty simple really, mess with the Feds they quit writing you a check. The state has no control, governor goofy had no ground to stand on and someone finally told him the repercussions of what he was doing. Great drama but nobody ever believed he had a say did they??

    EXACTLY! This decision ALL came down from the AG–both state and Fed levels. Period.

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>c_w wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>nhamm wrote:</div>
    Makes a guy wonder what kind of cards the tribes threw down that made the government shut er down immediately.

    It’s pretty simple really, mess with the Feds they quit writing you a check. The state has no control, governor goofy had no ground to stand on and someone finally told him the repercussions of what he was doing. Great drama but nobody ever believed he had a say did they??

    EXACTLY! This decision ALL came down from the AG–both state and Fed levels. Period.

    So the AG…Lori Swanson is in on this too? And the Fed’s, like Obama???

    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>nhamm wrote:</div>
    Makes a guy wonder what kind of cards the tribes threw down that made the government shut er down immediately.

    It’s pretty simple really, mess with the Feds they quit writing you a check. The state has no control, governor goofy had no ground to stand on and someone finally told him the repercussions of what he was doing. Great drama but nobody ever believed he had a say did they??

    Chris Niskanen, spokesman for the DNR, said Dayton and DNR Commissioner Tom Landwehr quickly recognized the bands’ “strong disagreement” and that “even though our data showed that the estimated overreach [by anglers] does not pose a threat to the walleye population, this action recognizes that continued fishing would have hurt our relationship with the bands.”

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12319

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>nhamm wrote:</div>
    Makes a guy wonder what kind of cards the tribes threw down that made the government shut er down immediately.

    It’s pretty simple really, mess with the Feds they quit writing you a check. The state has no control, governor goofy had no ground to stand on and someone finally told him the repercussions of what he was doing. Great drama but nobody ever believed he had a say did they??

    The reason the Governor is backing down during every disagreement with the tribes is because some factions within the tribes are quite obviously looking for “the case”. By “the case” I mean that it is broadly suspected that some factions want to go back to court to seek Federal court affirmation that their treaty rights actually give them a much, much, much broader set of powers when it comes to tribal governance over the land covered by the treaty.

    There are many who have peered into the murky waters of the treaties and have seen all kinds of new tribal powers hidden there. The hard reality is that the Indians are on a nearly 40 year winning streak when it comes to big treaty rights cases in Federal court.

    I’m no fan of Governor Trustfund, but I’d say he is right to be very, very careful in dealing with the Indians. That includes thinking long and hard about if his administration REALLY want to go to the mat for a given situation. The tribes have politics of their own, so there is a would they / wouldn’t they aspect to any given situation that makes things very unpredictable. Anyone wanting this Governor or any future one to “get tough” had better be aware that if you don’t like the present situation, there’s a good chance you really, really, really won’t like the outcome of the next trip to court.


    Posts: 354

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>steve-fellegy wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>c_w wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>nhamm wrote:</div>
    Makes a guy wonder what kind of cards the tribes threw down that made the government shut er down immediately.

    It’s pretty simple really, mess with the Feds they quit writing you a check. The state has no control, governor goofy had no ground to stand on and someone finally told him the repercussions of what he was doing. Great drama but nobody ever believed he had a say did they??

    EXACTLY! This decision ALL came down from the AG–both state and Fed levels. Period.

    So the AG…Lori Swanson is in on this too? And the Fed’s, like Obama???

    Yes, to both, student.
    Our AG is the one to send me all court/treaty related documents. Our commander n Chief replied to a letter sent, stating he would be using “3 Billion Dollars to EMPOWER Native America”

    Say good night Mille lacs….

    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294

    This headline today is very telling ….on U.S. soil in the 21st century.

    Mille Lacs walleye fishing to close; DNR reverses under Indian pressure

    SHAME on all of our Federal reps and candidates for NOT coming to the shores of Lake Mille Lacs and defending the 1000’s of non-Tribal voters that put them or could put them into office! You know who you are….and we will remember in November–bet on it!

    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294

    And today’s local media?

    How about reporting ALL sides of the story. No quotes from any locals? And maybe explain in detail, truthfully, how the Bands “changed their methods of harvest earlier this year with conservation at the heart of that decision….” Facts don’t lie. But by not reporting all sides, the facts are distorted to the readers.

    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but no one is entitled their own facts. Not even the reporters at the Messenger.

    “Comment” section on the local paper site/bottom of this article is open for all to chime in on their reporting or lack of ….please.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6158

    Google – Tribal contributions to the Minnesota DFL.

    They will never chance loosing this cash cow.


    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294

    Google – Tribal contributions to the Minnesota DFL.

    They will never chance loosing this cash cow.


    As well as federal level reps on that side of the ledger. ANYONE who votes , as an angler/Mn. outdoorsman, for Amy and or Al and the rest are NUTS! Nolan is quoted in the Duluth News in recent weeks saying he trying/will do all he can to get the Native American vote….go figure.

    Harris, MN
    Posts: 1404

    Makes a guy wonder what kind of cards the tribes threw down that made the government shut er down immediately.

    No cards here, just closing check books. . . flame flame flame

    Resides on the North Shores of Mille Lacs--guiding on Farm Island these days
    Posts: 1294

    And today’s local media?

    How about reporting ALL sides of the story. No quotes from any locals? And maybe explain in detail, truthfully, how the Bands “changed their methods of harvest earlier this year with conservation at the heart of that decision….” Facts don’t lie. But by not reporting all sides, the facts are distorted to the readers.

    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but no one is entitled their own facts. Not even the reporters at the Messenger.

    “Comment” section on the local paper site/bottom of this article is open for all to chime in on their reporting or lack of ….please.

    And now this today…LOL The comments go like this–anyone care to add to this “technology” issue?LOL:

    Andy Cox:We know there is far more to this story than was reported here. Was there a reporter at the Advisory Committee meeting? I would think it would be relevant to have attendees/committee members reaction/response as they are representative of the affected businesses and the readers as well.

    Dear Andy Cox,
    Yes there was a Messenger reporter at the meeting. What is posted on this website was posted as the meeting occurred, actually, at 7:09 p.m. Technology is a wonderful thing or a thorn depending on what one is trying to accomplish. There will be more regarding the FAC meeting in an upcoming issue of the Messenger

    Steve Fellegy–Surely ( tongue in cheek) , the likes of Andy Cox and all of us understand how “technology” would not consider and allow local quotes and certain details beyond what the DNR reveals–publicly on the subject. So we all look forward to the reporters on hand last night to get more educated on the technology end of things –with hopes all sides are heard from now and into the future –changing how the Messenger covers and reports on this subject.

    And throw this in from “fightinhate” to Fellegy: Spend much time trolling the internet today? Get a job or a hobby before your pity party becomes any more ridiculous.

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    At least the tribes let us fish it for a few months…
    Is there any doubt who’s in charge?

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>steve-fellegy wrote:</div>
    And today’s local media?

    How about reporting ALL sides of the story. No quotes from any locals? And maybe explain in detail, truthfully, how the Bands “changed their methods of harvest earlier this year with conservation at the heart of that decision….” Facts don’t lie. But by not reporting all sides, the facts are distorted to the readers.

    Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but no one is entitled their own facts. Not even the reporters at the Messenger.

    “Comment” section on the local paper site/bottom of this article is open for all to chime in on their reporting or lack of ….please.

    And now this today…LOL The comments go like this–anyone care to add to this “technology” issue?LOL:

    Andy Cox:We know there is far more to this story than was reported here. Was there a reporter at the Advisory Committee meeting? I would think it would be relevant to have attendees/committee members reaction/response as they are representative of the affected businesses and the readers as well.

    Dear Andy Cox,
    Yes there was a Messenger reporter at the meeting. What is posted on this website was posted as the meeting occurred, actually, at 7:09 p.m. Technology is a wonderful thing or a thorn depending on what one is trying to accomplish. There will be more regarding the FAC meeting in an upcoming issue of the Messenger

    Steve Fellegy–Surely ( tongue in cheek) , the likes of Andy Cox and all of us understand how “technology” would not consider and allow local quotes and certain details beyond what the DNR reveals–publicly on the subject. So we all look forward to the reporters on hand last night to get more educated on the technology end of things –with hopes all sides are heard from now and into the future –changing how the Messenger covers and reports on this subject.

    And throw this in from “fightinhate” to Fellegy: Spend much time trolling the internet today? Get a job or a hobby before your pity party becomes any more ridiculous.

    And I’m sure that it was just coincidence that shortly after I posted my question/comment to the “Mess” that they revised the article adding this tidbit:
    “Katie Clower, DNR fish and wildlife policy and planning, was the mediator of the fishery meeting. Clower asked the committee members for comments.
    “You can’t drop a bomb on us like that and expect us to react,” committee member Tina Chapman, of Chapman’s Resort and Mille Lacs Area Tourism said.
    “Just move on,” committee member Bill Eno, of Twin Pines Resort said.
    For more in-depth coverage on the meeting see next week’s Messenger.”

    This whole saga started back in 1999 like a chip on the windshield. Over time, the crack grew and and became a web of more cracks and has now gotten to where the entire windshield is fractured and is just waiting to collapse! shock

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12637

    I’m with Grouse on this, and hope it does not end up back in court. If you want to end all this BS, you will need to get a group together large enough to affect politicians inbox’s and re-elections. Actively pursue any politicians not supporting your cause (look at Muskies INC for an example). And get the politicians who support your cause to start a movement for state-run casino’s. Once the tribe(s) feel their golden goose is threatened, you will have the leverage needed to get them to relinquish rights.

    Walleyestudent Andy Cox
    Garrison MN-Mille Lacs
    Posts: 4484

    I’m with Grouse on this, and hope it does not end up back in court. If you want to end all this BS, you will need to get a group together large enough to affect politicians inbox’s and re-elections. Actively pursue any politicians not supporting your cause (look at Muskies INC for an example). And get the politicians who support your cause to start a movement for state-run casino’s. Once the tribe(s) feel their golden goose is threatened, you will have the leverage needed to get them to relinquish rights.

    Well I’d like to agree with you here…but,

    That’s been tried before. Remember PERM and even less successful org’s like “Save Mille Lacs Sportfishing” which never really got any traction. PERM, the predecessor did gain momentum initially, rallying a sizable contingent and actually putting forth a lawsuit taking this contention to court but was smothered quickly. They have now fizzled into a ghost advocacy going nowhere. So as you suggest…but well no, that’s been tried before. Anyone want to start all over again with that? ???

    Posts: 1552

    The reason the Governor is backing down during every disagreement with the tribes is because some factions within the tribes are quite obviously looking for “the case”. By “the case” I mean that it is broadly suspected that some factions want to go back to court to seek Federal court affirmation that their treaty rights actually give them a much, much, much broader set of powers when it comes to tribal governance over the land covered by the treaty.

    There are many who have peered into the murky waters of the treaties and have seen all kinds of new tribal powers hidden there. The hard reality is that the Indians are on a nearly 40 year winning streak when it comes to big treaty rights cases in Federal court.

    I’m no fan of Governor Trustfund, but I’d say he is right to be very, very careful in dealing with the Indians. That includes thinking long and hard about if his administration REALLY want to go to the mat for a given situation. The tribes have politics of their own, so there is a would they / wouldn’t they aspect to any given situation that makes things very unpredictable. Anyone wanting this Governor or any future one to “get tough” had better be aware that if you don’t like the present situation, there’s a good chance you really, really, really won’t like the outcome of the next trip to court.


    I have to agree with all of this. Like the old phrase, you poke a hornets nest you have to expect the outcome.

    Cove Bay Mille Lacs lake MN
    Posts: 1814

    We need 1000 or more trucks with boats to be here on Sept 18. Does anybody think we can put it together? Having a protest on twilight road and 169 would get a little attention about an hour before the weigh in. My guess is it would be difficult to get 10. Alot of people can talk the talk, but when it is crunch time, nobody wants to get involved. I am in, all we need is 999 more. BLM has shut down major freeways in the cities with less than that

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6158

    What a blunder by Gov Goofy. Add in the fact he is not able to negotiate a special session for economic relief for the area. Complete failure to perform his basic duties. (And fulfil his promises) He should resign or be impeached immediately.


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