Seasons On The Stream
Alpha trout at head of feed lane. Maybe in fast broken water Subordinates all over hole but not close to alpha. Cast into top most part of fast funnel. Alpha waiting part way down the skinny feed funnel. Best to hit fast water to hide the splash. When wading, wake control a large factor here. Stay out of water if you can. Make first cast count or will get only dinks in this hole.
Bigger trout from area wintering at bottom of slow water near the fast water. Not in fast water. Subordinates chased out of hole by bigger trout. Best to hit fast water to hide the splash. Cast into top of feed funnel and slow retrieve so presentation will get down to trout sitting on bottom just back from the end of the fast water.
Trout extra wary on sunny no vegetation winter outing. Don’t slap hole with line. Stay out of the water when attacking hole. Will be a one fish “only” hole due to water clarity and zero vegetation in hole. Any smart fish will spook when one is battled and drug through this clear non-vegetated hole.