• stuwest
    Elmwood, WI
    Posts: 2254

    this is going out a little late this year, but i got a reminder last nite as two pups ate 7 ears between them b4 i even got to them.

    the trick here is that corncobs (pure cellulose) are not digestible by dogs. so even i fthey can grind them up (the best outcome) they get stuck in the lower GI and you get intestinal blockage=dog death.

    IF you get it int he stomach, you can scope it and pull it up ($2000)
    BUT if it gets into the upper GI, it’s surgery and that runs $2000 to $6000.

    If you have two animals fighting for the ‘treat’, it’s more likely it will not get chewed up and it’s a real bugger then.

    No easy solutions, sorry. Bag Em and Burn EM…

    Park Rapids
    Posts: 1452

    this is going out a little late this year, but i got a reminder last nite as two pups ate 7 ears between them b4 i even got to them.

    the trick here is that corncobs (pure cellulose) are not digestible by dogs. so even i fthey can grind them up (the best outcome) they get stuck in the lower GI and you get intestinal blockage=dog death.

    IF you get it int he stomach, you can scope it and pull it up ($2000)
    BUT if it gets into the upper GI, it’s surgery and that runs $2000 to $6000.

    If you have two animals fighting for the ‘treat’, it’s more likely it will not get chewed up and it’s a real bugger then.

    No easy solutions, sorry. Bag Em and Burn EM…

    THX for the info. I did not know this. I had a lab for 14.5 years and he loved to eat corn on the cob. He would peel back the husks and then consume the entire cob corn and all. I will make sure my setter never has the chance.


    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11109

    I came home from work one day to find my German Shepard bleeding out. I picked her up, put her in the truck, sped to the vet. She died on the way there.
    When I got home I realized I had left a bag of sweet corn on the deck, she got into it and ate a few cobs. Vet did a necropsy to verify.
    That was 10 years ago and it still makes me cry. She had to have really suffered.

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5565

    Just to verify, we are talking the actual corncobs, right? Verusus juat the coen? My GSP Fritz has nibbled on the loose corn spilled from the squirrel and bird feeders, but we don’t have any cobs accessible to him.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11109

    Yes, cobs. That’s what the Vet said.

    Elmwood, WI
    Posts: 2254

    yes, the cobs themselves have a much higher cellulose content than the kernels. the dogs, because they instinctually gather roughage to promote cleansing of the lower GI, eat stuff that is undigestible, e.g. bird feathers, animal hair. Corncobs just come naturally.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    Sometimes, it seems like dogs do everything they can to harm themselves! Gotta love them! rotflol

    Elmwood, WI
    Posts: 2254

    yup. i’ve got 40 of em so i’ve seen most things, but they always seem to confound me…

    SE Metro
    Posts: 5565

    Stu, you have 40 dogs?!

    JD Winston
    Chanhassen, MN
    Posts: 899

    After reading the title of this thread, I could have sworn it was another one of those inappropriate jokes about the Green Bay Packers! Relieved it was not!

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972

    After reading the title of this thread, I could have sworn it was another one of those inappropriate jokes about the Green Bay Packers! Relieved it was not!


    Elmwood, WI
    Posts: 2254

    i breed cloning stock for the gov’ts IED bomb dog breeding program. the EGGS are valuable, not the sperm!!! Need LOTS of females. They want 5000 clones a year for a decade…

    1. Limpy-Logo-EM-Sig-File.jpg

    Elmwood, WI
    Posts: 2254

    i should probably mention here that i’ve got a dog up for free adoption. “Kink”, yellow male, got his tail chewed on my mom when he was born and i didn’t get to her soon enuf. tail is bent near the top. Never convince the generals that it’s not genetic. he’ll still hunt like a demon and is real sweet. Free to a hunting/fishing home.
    Any takers??
    Know a taker??
    Send me an email and i’ll attach pixs.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    After reading the title of this thread, I could have sworn it was another one of those inappropriate jokes about the Green Bay Packers! Relieved it was not!

    It would have said cornhole and I for one would love to hear the punchline.

    JD Winston
    Chanhassen, MN
    Posts: 899

    JD Winston wrote:
    After reading the title of this thread, I could have sworn it was another one of those inappropriate jokes about the Green Bay Packers! Relieved it was not!


    Come on mudshark, I was about as subtle as I could get that time! Lol! No way a child Would ask questions on that one!

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972

    Come on mudshark, I was about as subtle as I could get that time! Lol! No way a child Would ask questions on that one!

    I was commenting on the fact that you had to make a poke in a totally different post aimed at me…..

    Do and say what you want JD & biggill….as I’ve said before….I give up…

    This will be the last time for me…..

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Do and say what you want JD & biggill….as I’ve said before….I give up…

    I apologize for jumping into something I now nothing about.

    On a side note. I appreciate the warning about the corn cobs. I usually dumped these into my compost pile where my lab has been known to find them. Luckily this year I threw the cobs from my freezer corn in the garbage. Thanks!

    JD Winston
    Chanhassen, MN
    Posts: 899

    I was commenting on the fact that you had to make a poke in a totally different post aimed at me…..

    Lol! Aimed at you? Not even close. I’m just looking for a way to crack a few jokes to brighten the day. THAT I won’t stop. MN/WI team jokes are a staple of every day living. I’m just trying to find the line I can go up to and not offend most people’s sense of fair play. But it would appear Mudshark, your bar is set a little higher than the rest.

    Remember, if you want Church rules for all conversation, I’m not sure it is realistic to expect that on an open public forum on the Internet dominated by All American outdoorsmen. Excoriating anyone in this medium that doesn’t need your personal standards of decency may not be all that effective or advised.

    Just sayin!

    JD Winston
    Chanhassen, MN
    Posts: 899

    “Meet” not “need” on that last sentence.

    Twin Cities, USA
    Posts: 2094

    Thanks for the Warning. Never knew this or heard before.

    Elmwood, WI
    Posts: 2254

    NAP carroll. Easy to make a mistake on this one…

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