Season 16 Episode 8 – Giant Slab Rap Eating Northwoods Crappies

  • Jakob
    Posts: 1282

    Season 16 Episode 8 is live!

    James Holst and Pj Vick head to Northern Wisconsin to chase down GIANT roaming crappies using Humminbird MEGA Live.

    Posts: 3

    Great episode. Is there a boat landing on this lake? Saw you were walking through the woods.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    There is. PJ wanted to hit the far end of the lake for the first time so we took a scenic route. He had never fished that far end before but his hunch was right. The fish were there!

    Chuck Melcher
    SE Wisconsin, Racine County
    Posts: 1966

    Great show…. And that equipment sure is awesome as you guys have it dialed in.
    I spent the last two days studying lakes up that way before going Tuesday. My expectations are fully in check but seeing you guys have that much fun just added to the excitement of somewhere that new, again!

    Michael Saal
    Merrill, Wi
    Posts: 669

    What a great show and fishing tips. Hope to see James back in Wi knocking on my door to deliver that Reeds fishing package.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Hope to see James back in Wi knocking on my door to deliver that Reeds fishing package.

    I would LOVE for someone from IDO to win that Polaris. waytogo

    Joe Jarl
    SW Wright County
    Posts: 2284

    Great show. You guys are making it pretty difficult to resist splurging on a live setup.

    Bass Pundit
    8m S. of Platte/Sullivan Lakes, Minnesocold
    Posts: 2012

    Amazin! Great Episode!

    Bismarck, ND
    Posts: 610

    Were those Precisions you were using to fish those slab raps?

    tim hurley
    Posts: 6019

    Those little pieces of structure that they found you can easily find if you scout areas in the fall with SI, I’m not ready to drop more money into electronics just yet either.

    Central Mn North of the smiley water tower
    Posts: 3246

    Finally got a chance to watch last night. Great show. Some pretty epic slabs! I really love the use of the bump board and the live view of the fish coming in on the flasher! waytogo Just curious @Jamesholst what you PB crappie is and where it might have come from?

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Finally got a chance to watch last night. Great show. Some pretty epic slabs! I really love the use of the bump board and the live view of the fish coming in on the flasher! waytogo Just curious @Jamesholst what you PB crappie is and where it might have come from?

    16.5″ is my PB crappie. Caught it in the fall open water on pool 4 fishing walleye on a 5″ k grub. waytogo

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