Season 13 – Episode 11 – Full Moon Crappies

  • Jakob
    Posts: 1282

    Season 13 – Episode 11 is Live on YouTube!

    On this weeks show, James Holst travels to west central Minnesota to target big crappies through the ice during the full moon.

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5717

    I just had a thought…..

    Would it be possible to do a “picture in the picture” kind of display, and show the flasher during the show? Imagine James is sitting there working on those Crappies, and down in the lower right hand corner of the screen is a shot of the flasher so we can see what he sees when the fish hits.

    Fun show!


    Thomas Brynildson
    Otter Tail County
    Posts: 26

    It’s always conflicting to see a fishing show on one of your crappie waypoints, but the fact that it was IDO out there definitely makes me happy. Glad James was able to have a good time out there with Konnor. There are some truly great crappie fisheries in this area!

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 8969

    James – any word on the availability of that hat???

    Central Mn North of the smiley water tower
    Posts: 3210

    Here’s a good question for James, when you’re setup in a house and clearly not gonna hop around, why not drill a separate hole for your ducer? Not that every fish wraps the cord, but there’s definitely a bunch. Never have to lean forward and pull it out or untangle. A friend of mine and I both watched and wondered the same thing.
    Great show, and I hope you can get on that Perch bite you spoke of for next week’s show! Of course with this weather maybe you’ll head south for Tarpon fishing off the Keys!

    Savage Brewer
    Savage, MN
    Posts: 123

    I love the idea of putting the two flip over shacks side by side like that!

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