cal74 Posts: 68 June 14, 2020 at 11:54 am #1949894 Have a Sears 3hp aircooled motor Good compression – Ran about 10 years ago and has had fogging oil in it since, haven’t messed with it and tired of moving it around. 75.00 Attachments:3.0-HP-Motor.jpg3-HP-1.jpg3-HP.jpg
mark-bruzek Two Harbors, MNPosts: 3905 June 14, 2020 at 3:45 pm #1949953 No location listed. Anywhere near Duluth?
cal74 Posts: 68 June 14, 2020 at 3:53 pm #1949957 Sorry.. In Zumbrota In St. Paul once a week. Will be up in Cloquet in a month 11th and 18th of July passing through