Walleyes the week of May 25 through the 31.

  • mroberts
    Posts: 103

    Where is the walleye fishing going to be the best the week of May 25 through the 31. The father inlaw and I are going to head to Oahe mabey around mobridge. I was just wondering what other people would do around that time of year.

    Rice Lake, WI
    Posts: 620

    Get a hold of “jerr” on the site. He fishes there a lot and will be just getting done fishing then. He might be able to send you in the right Direction. Tell him Jordan Marsh aka walleyewacker18 sent you his way

    river rat randy
    Hager City WI
    Posts: 1736


    Where is the walleye fishing going to be the best the week of May 25 through the 31. The father inlaw and I are going to head to Oahe mabey around mobridge. I was just wondering what other people would do around that time of year.

    —Mississippi river pool 3 or 4, with river rat randy –651-764-0002

    Melrose, WI
    Posts: 265

    I would think you may be a little too far North for the heavy bite during that timeframe. Usually around the end of May and early June, the fish are between Bushes and Whitlock. I would put myself at Bushes and head North a little ways to Sutton’s and Willow the first day. If North doesn’t produce, start working your way South to the Mouth of the Cheyenne.


    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914


    Get a hold of “jerr” on the site. He fishes there a lot and will be just getting done fishing then. He might be able to send you in the right Direction.

    Who? Jerr? Nah…he doesn’t know anything….

    Nah, Jerr’s a great guy with knowledge of that area. I bet he just might know how to help you out. Until I tell him who you are, that is, Matt…..

    jerry b
    western WI
    Posts: 1506

    just got it from a hot source today that they’re still hitting well @ Pierre. I was over there last week and did well while the weather co-operated but it’s been pretty ugly since then. As for up around Mobridge I’ve not heard anything, the Cheyenne River was a wasteland last Sunday. jerr

    EDIT- –

    as an after thought, I’ve done exceptionally well around West Whitlocks about that time of year. Depending what the tournament schedule is around Mobridge, accomodations and prefishing pressure might be a little heavy. I’ve always camped so I don’t know what accomodations will be @ Whitlocks.

    Posts: 103

    Oh thanks Brian. jerr I dont think my fathern law knows what he wants to do one day its Mobridge then its Pierre then he was talking about going clear up north. If I had to put my money on it we will be fishing Pierre that will be the colsest drive from Clearwater. Oh and thanks for keeping me posted.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100


    Here is my 2 cents. If you stay in Pierre, it allows you to fish both the lake and the river as it’s locally known. The lake can be brutal if you get windy days. However, you can get down on the river and not get the crud beat out of you. You may have to trailer a bit more staying there, but it opens up your options a lot more in my opinion.

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    Thanks Koot, keep forgetting you’re a Dakota boy.

    There ya go Matt, looks like you got your answers. Now get goin!

    Posts: 103

    I will be going at the end of the month. Sounds like we will be in the fater inlawas boat. It is a 16 ft red and white Sylvan pro select

    Posts: 103

    Well the rooms are booked we will be fishing at Mobridge next week. Can’t wait to get up there been waiting for this trip for four years. The boat has always been full. We will be in a red and white Slyvan.

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