NE SD Fishing Last Weekend

  • dr_hook
    Posts: 203

    Decided to go back to my hometown area and fish rather than partake in the “MN Opener festivities”. Bad call, as I was greeted with wind both days (gusts to 40 mph) making fishing more work than pleasure. We did fish 4 lakes over the weekend, and finally connected late in the afternoon on our final lake of the trip. This lake is basically mud, bottoms out at 8′, and the male walleyes were fairly aggressive chasing glass shad raps trolling at nearly 3 mph. The final 2 hours we boated 2-22’s a 19, and 4 17’s. I have also attached a bonus smallie I picked up on Saturday. These beauties are making an appearnce in many of the NE SD lakes, and the many I have witnessed being caught are built like linebackers.

    Malcom, IA
    Posts: 1939

    nice bronzeback


    Posts: 2

    Sounds to me like you had a great guide that worked until he put you on ’em there Hook! And he was able to get you a bonus “piggy” smallie….2 thumbs up! Any chance it was the same guide that took you to this monster?

    Posts: 203

    Your right….almost. The guide took me to the fish, but was perplexed as to how to catch them. I forged the way from an experience and knowledge standpoint, and the guide paid me at the end of the day! (All kidding aside, this “guide” typically “schools” me on every outing).

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Welcome Doug!!

    Posts: 2

    Hey Kooty,
    What gave it away that it was me? Someone willing to put up with my brother in the same boat for a whole weekend or the top notch guiding, not to mention photography, skills that appear in that post?

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    It seemed obvious, I’m the only other guy willing to fish with him, so it had to be you.

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