Fish are starting to relate to developing shallow windblown weed lines with #5 shad raps and minnow raps turning some fish, hot steel and bleeding craw are best colors. Great pike bite right now casting what seems to be whatever you have in your box, storm wildeye shads, rapala husky jerks, as well as scatter rap minnows in once again hot steel proving to be a good color patter. A decent shore bite is still around with clackin raps and ripping raps being good choices as they are easy to cast a good ways, #7 rippin rap in clown and blueshiner leading the way in color choice. Starting to see some perch show up while trolling cranks, will have to go back and get after these fish with some livebait soon. I’ll try to give an updated report before I head out after some lake Michigan salmon at the end of this next week here. – QB
June 8, 2013 at 3:58 pm