Wrll I bought the 220 for a deer slug gun, now to match a decent scope for it. Obviously something 150 yards tops. Any opinions welcomed. Not trying to break the bank.
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Scope for savage 220
Jeff Schomaker
Posts: 422July 20, 2023 at 10:07 am #2214330Personally I am a very KISS method when it comes to scopes. I don’t like BDC reticles so I am an old fashioned regular crosshair guy. So I would personally put something in the 3-9 power range from a reputable company that you like. Leupold and Vortex both make great scopes in all price points with great warranties. My best advice would zero the gun at 75-100 yards and learn bullet drop out to 150.
July 20, 2023 at 10:26 am #2214338The Nikon SlugHunter with the BDC was actually made for the 220.
It’s a tack driver out to 200 yards.
I did have to make a small label that I stuck to the top of the scope to remind what each increment meant in yardage.
I use the 2 3/4″ AccuTips and barely had to change any of the adjustments right out of the box.July 20, 2023 at 11:05 am #2214350The Nikon SlugHunter with the BDC was actually made for the 220.
It’s a tack driver out to 200 yards.
I did have to make a small label that I stuck to the top of the scope to remind what each increment meant in yardage.
I use the 2 3/4″ AccuTips and barely had to change any of the adjustments right out of the box.That would have been my recommendation also but Nikon doesn’t make scopes anymore… I am not up on what is on the market today.
July 20, 2023 at 11:26 am #2214359Leupold VX Freedom in 2-7×33 or the VX-3HD in 2.5-8×36, and the Nikon Slug Hunter 3-9×40. Those would be my recommendations. Although, I checked my gun safe and I do have a Nikon Slug Hunter in 3-9×40 with the BDC reticle I could probably work a deal on if interested.
Posts: 1878July 20, 2023 at 12:44 pm #2214376Magnified Red Dots make pretty good shotgun scopes. I have a vortex with 3x and it works really good for slugs. I use it on a Rem police and abuse the heck out of it as a truck gun sometimes.
Posts: 1671July 20, 2023 at 1:01 pm #2214381I put a Vortex crossfire II 3x9x40 on mine. So far so good. Only have about 25 rounds through it. 2.5” groups at 100yrds. I was torn between that and the leupold freedom muzzleloader 3×9. I have no reason other than brand loyalty, but I wish I would have ponied up the extra $100 for the leupold. Might upgrade. Love the gun, just having a hard time getting shells for it. Better start looking now for sabots.
July 20, 2023 at 1:31 pm #2214392I put a Vortex crossfire II 3x9x40 on mine. So far so good. Only have about 25 rounds through it. 2.5” groups at 100yrds. I was torn between that and the leupold freedom muzzleloader 3×9. I have no reason other than brand loyalty, but I wish I would have ponied up the extra $100 for the leupold. Might upgrade. Love the gun, just having a hard time getting shells for it. Better start looking now for sabots.
Buddy bought tons of the accu tips and I salvaged 20 boxes off him
Jimmy Jones
Posts: 3332July 20, 2023 at 2:12 pm #2214398I put a Vortex crossfire II 3x9x40 on mine.
I put this scope on my smokeless .45 muzzleloader. Way more punishment than a 20 gauge slug gun is going to deliver and it’s been dead on ever since. The Leupy is a nice scope but you won’t get $100 more clarity or durability.
Brad Dimond
Posts: 1601July 20, 2023 at 3:45 pm #2214430I love the Leupold VX3 in 1.5-6. All the magnification you need for a slug gun, rugged as all get out and really good glass. I also run a VX3 2.5-8 on my .30-06 Ruger Mark II. Love that scope.
Posts: 1671July 20, 2023 at 8:12 pm #2214487Buddy bought tons of the accu tips and I salvaged 20 boxes off him
Nice score! Took me all summer, but I’ve scrounged up 10 boxes. One thing I know is they do not like a dirty barrel. After 5 or so shots I must swab the barrel. Buddy of mine put me on to this as I was having trouble sighting it in. He had the same problem. We both have stainless barrels.
July 21, 2023 at 8:53 am #2214519Leupold VX Freedom in 2-7×33 or the VX-3HD in 2.5-8×36, and the Nikon Slug Hunter 3-9×40. Those would be my recommendations. Although, I checked my gun safe and I do have a Nikon Slug Hunter in 3-9×40 with the BDC reticle I could probably work a deal on if interested.
I sent you a pm on that scope
July 28, 2023 at 6:22 am #2215986Happened to stop by the Eden Prarie Scheels this week and they had quite a few 20 gauge accutips. A lot of 2 3/4” and a few dozen boxes of 3”. I know they have been hard to find.
Posts: 1719July 28, 2023 at 7:45 am #2216003Leupold is always my first choice. But I have a couple Vortex that are very “decent” scopes. The Nikon is a good shotgun scope if you can score a nice one. Shame Nikon gave in to pressure from birdwatchers threatening to quit buying their spotting scopes and binocs. Their slug gun scope was one of the top sellers for slug and smoke pole. Last few years slug orders have seemed to hit retailers heavy long about February or March, after the season. Better time to start stocking up.
Posts: 1247August 12, 2023 at 8:59 am #2218557If you haven’t found a scope yet I would suggest the leupold vx freedom over the crossfire 2. I know the leupold is more but has better glass and I prefer the hunter plex more vs vortex’s. For reference between 3 slug guns I have a crossfire, vx freedom, and vortex viper. I will be buying the vx freedom for a 4th slug gun this year.
August 12, 2023 at 9:47 pm #2218599I bought a vx freedom before I seen the recommendation. Haven’t mounted it yet, haven’t had time. I may invest in a second shot gun so the kid and I each have one
Posts: 2January 1, 2024 at 6:50 pm #2244939Leupold VX Freedom in 2-7×33 or the VX-3HD in 2.5-8×36, and the Nikon Slug Hunter 3-9×40. Those would be my recommendations. Although, I checked my gun safe and I do have a Nikon Slug Hunter in 3-9×40 with the BDC reticle I could probably work a deal on if interested.
Interested in the Nikon scope if still available? Couldn’t figure out how to pm, just joined forum. Please pm me if available
Posts: 128January 1, 2024 at 11:40 pm #2244954<div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>MNdrifter wrote:</div>
I put a Vortex crossfire II 3x9x40 on mine.I put this scope on my smokeless .45 muzzleloader. Way more punishment than a 20 gauge slug gun is going to deliver and it’s been dead on ever since. The Leupy is a nice scope but you won’t get $100 more clarity or durability.
Same scope I put on my S220. I zeroed at 50yd at the osseo range with rem accutip and hornady SST. This year, using rem accutips I connected on a shot at 150YD. Based on a friends advice (who owns a S220 and was swat sniper at one point and excellent shot) I held directly on the breadbasket giving nothing for drop and the bullet hit right were I aimed. Truly, with the S220 I believe you can hold dead red out to 200yd if sighted at 50yd and using a purpose built round like Accutip or Hornady SST. In my experience over 3 years, the savage 220 performs like a rifle.
January 3, 2024 at 12:00 pm #2245240My son dropped 2 deer with the 220 this year. 1 at 50 yards and 1 at 150. Both were perfect heart shots. That 220 shoots like no shot gun I’ve ever used before
Posts: 9330January 3, 2024 at 12:47 pm #2245257My son dropped 2 deer with the 220 this year. 1 at 50 yards and 1 at 150. Both were perfect heart shots. That 220 shoots like no shot gun I’ve ever used before
I borrowed a friends for two days this year and dumped a buck. I immediately texted him that I needed my own. I rarely slug hunt but want one bad after using his.
DTJanuary 3, 2024 at 3:36 pm #2245301Great to hear!
I recently picked one up and haven’t shot it yet.January 5, 2024 at 10:15 am #2245570Just make sure to buy the accutips as you see them through out the year. They are tough to find near slug season. I bought 50 boxes before I even bought the gun knowing I would buy one. I usually hunt rifle zone but was approved to hunt in a slug zone land and now I bring that 20 to both slug and rifle zones because my longest shot is sub 150 yards.
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