Schooley rods

  • Dink buster
    Posts: 109

    Love my new noodle rods but saw a few guys today using schooley rod and reels and caught just as many or more than I did haha. Thinking about buying a few for kids to use for their simplicity. Just wondering if anyone else still has them in their arsenal?

    Dave maze
    Posts: 990

    I’ve been using them for a few years now. I modified a few for my tip downs and got to liking them. I can’t say they are better, but I like handlining the shallow water panfish. Look into the telescopic schoolie type rods, 60″ of noodle is a blast!

    Ryan Wilson
    Posts: 333

    Haven’t used them in years but it’s what I learned on and honestly, if I couldn’t use my TUCR’s, I’d use schooley’s exclusively (I’m a panfish guy).

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