Savage .22-250 finally finds the groove.

  • TheFamousGrouse
    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12256

    Despite having great luck with the Savage Axis platform, my latest acquisition of an Axis chambered in .22-250 had been a disappointment. It certainly is a pretty rifle. It’s the stainless version and it’s wearing a nice Boyd’s stock and the stock Axis trigger hit the garbage can moments after the rifle was taken from the box, replaced by a Rifle Basix fully adjustable model.

    The problem with this Axis was that even though it was 1 inch high at 100, at 200+ it was scattered and almost missing the paper. At 300, it was No Idea City. To add to the issues, I had scoped this rifle with an old stock Japanese-made Bushnell Elite 6×24 target scope which has been a terrific scope on this rifle’s predecessor, but on the Axis I was somehow out of downward adjustment.

    After extensive fiddling around trying to quick-fix the problem, I finally pulled everything down and started over. Rings off, bases off, all Loctite off, remount and relevel everthing and I added 1 shim set to the scope base.

    Off to the range we went last weekend with a full box of fodder of various loadings. I didn’t tell the rifle, but this was do or die time, if I couldn’t figure this Axis out, it was going up for sale.

    After getting dialed in at 50, the shimming had clearly done the trick and I was back within the vertical adjustment range. Now for the real test. Out to 100 we went and it was do or die time for the Axis.

    Oh ye of little faith! As it turns out, this Axis is one of those naughty girls who likes it dirty. The more rounds that went down the tube, the better she shot. Finally, I had clearly found the right load, 50 grain V-Max on top of 8208 XBR.

    The squares on the targets are 1 inch. Everything with the pet load was heading for the same hole, the only errors were all mine, I can assure you. All groups pictured are 5 shot groups.

    She does start to walk to the left when the sporter-weight barrel starts getting hot. About 20 fairly fast rounds is enough for one shift. Not a problem as even on stalk/walk expeditions out into dog towns, I always carry 2 rifles so I can keep things cool.

    I love it when a rifle comes together. It still amazes me the quality and accuracy one can buy for less than $500 these days. The Axis is a genuine bargain and a guilt free pleasure in the dog towns. When it’s shot out, I will gladly retire it without any guilt as shooting is what these rifles are for. Varmints! The end is nigh!


    1. 20151220_222231.jpg

    2. 20151220_222427.jpg

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12256

    Two more groups to show. I shot 8 groups (all 5 shots) with this load combination and the worst (below right) was just over .87 and the best was a .394.

    Varmints, I’m coming for you!


    1. 20151220_222254.jpg

    2. 20151220_222408.jpg

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    This is my prairie dogger. I’m thinking it might be almost as pretty as yours! Mine likes Winchester 45gr HPs, with kills up to 300 yds so far. I still feel the longer shots I missed are user error.

    1. Savage-Axis-SS-with-Federal-Intensity-6.5-20x44-scope-Boyds-Pepper-Classic-Stock-with-laser-coyote-engraving.jpg

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13910


    It’s always so rewarding to have it all come together. Both of my howas are like that with dirt barrels. After a thorough cleaning, the more down the tube the tighter the group

    Nic Barker
    Central WI-Northern IL
    Posts: 380

    Im loving my axis in 22-250 right now, I found it loved those 50grain vmax bullets as well. I shoot the hornady box loads but still she delivered groups more than I needed at 100-200. The only complaint I have with it so far is now it’s making me want to put some better glass on it something that says she is ready for 300 and beyond even though I will probably never use it to that extent.

    When you were testing groups, at 200+ did it essentially just stop shooting straight originally? I had a similar experience last summer, my dad had a savage 11 in 7mm Rem mag he picked up dirt cheap many years ago when Wal-Mart’s in IL cleared out of the firearms business. But that rifle I bore sighted at 25 and it was dead on. Went to 50 and got it within 2-3in of bullseye and then headed to 100, where the rifle would not touch paper. I burned nearly a box and never touched paper, I couldn’t figure it out. That rifle was sold within the next month, but what is it that causes that? It can be shooting well at one distance then essentially fall apart at the next?

    Posts: 245

    I got one for coyotes, works great after I made some modifications to the trigger so it wasn’t like you were try to pull a brick with your finger.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12256

    When you were testing groups, at 200+ did it essentially just stop shooting straight originally? I had a similar experience last summer,

    The problem seemed to be that I had the bullet still climbing quite steeply at 100, so even though it was impacting at just about 1.25 high, at 300 my best guess was that I was missing the paper completely. I didn’t do enough testing at this range to know for sure.

    I seemed to be having a lot of trouble with first shot flyers when I first got the rifle. First shot with a cold barrel would be high and left by about an inch, then the rest of the group would be as expected. That problem seems to have gone away now that I’ve found the right load or perhaps the rifle just needed to get good and dirty? I’m now at just over 250 rounds and that’s after putting over 100 though her just last Sunday so it’s possible she just needed to get good and dirty to get down to business.

    It’s not unheard of for guns to shoot better as they get a little fouled. I cringe every time I hear about someone sighting in a rifle, and THEN cleaning it before a hunting trip. Leave it the heck alone. Back in the days of corrosive primers, this was necessary, but those days are 100 years gone now.


    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19001

    Quote of the day. “this Axis is one of those naughty girls who likes it dirty.”

    Made me smile.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Keep an eye out for a stainless at a good price for me. I’m building another Axis in this caliber…

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12256

    Keep an eye out for a stainless at a good price for me. I’m building another Axis in this caliber…

    PSA for all Axis fans out there. Savage has a $50 rebate on the Axis line but only until 12/31. Hurry!

    See Savage website for details.


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