10k, I chuckle because I’m the last person you need to walk thru TVM with. Are we going to go over CAPM next? You could literally take any purchase you ever made and say “well if you invested that in the stock market it’d be worth X in Y number of years”. Looking thru that lens, spending money on literally anything would never make financial sense.
Perhaps I can rephrase my approach to make it more clear what I’m doing. I save ~40% of my gross pay each paycheck in various different investment vehicles (401k, Roth, HSA, HYSA, brokerage). I have >10X my max annual out of pocket in my HDHP saved in there and I max out my Roth and 401k every year, so I’m not in a pinch to be throwing as much as I possibly can into my HSA because I’m pretty happy with what % of my pay I’m currently saving. Is more better? You bet it is, but I could say you should be investing more into your IRA than you’re currently doing because everybody has non-essential spending. I’m not thinking of draining my HSA to buy a sauna. I’m thinking of increasing my future contributions to my HSA over the next 2 years (above what I already plan to contribute, sauna or no sauna) and use those additional dollars to fund a sauna. Would it be worth a crap ton more if I let it sit and grow while invested in my HSA for a number of years? Absolutely it would. But I could also say that the fishing gear you bought or new gun or new vehicle or iphone or heck even the last time you went out to eat, if you invested that money instead of spending it on X, Y, or Z, you’d have a gazillion dollars in 30 years. Same exact argument you’re making to me which is a moot point.
So yes, all money would be better off if invested instead of spent on non-essential goods. That’s a no brainer.
All I’m talking about doing is flowing funds (above what I already contribute) thru an HSA to leverage the tax savings and pay ~25% less out of pocket than I would have if I buy a sauna with after tax funds. Said another way, I am paying for it out of pocket by temporarily decreasing my take home pay and inflating my HSA contributions.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk