Sask Hunting trip?

  • Jason
    Posts: 890

    I’m just posting this to see if anyone has any interest in a Saskatchewan duck/goose hunting trip this fall yet. The guys that would normally come along with me don’t have their covid vaccine and can’t get across the border so I lost my normal crew…
    I have all the equipment taken care of and plan to go but I would would like have another guy or two along to help. I have been there many times and have a farmer that provides me his house. The hunting would be freelance using field setups over decoys.
    PM me if you have any interest and want more details.

    Posts: 1054

    Is the Ban for transporting waterfowl from Canada still in effect? I know that made some of my buddies cancel their trips

    Posts: 4476

    So they can fly across the border but cant cross it dead?

    Posts: 890

    The current bird flu regulations will probably be changed over the next month like they did 10 years or so ago during the hunting season. I have seen bird dumpsters at the border coming home before and it wasn’t pretty.
    On the other hand bringing home 100’s of ducks and geese with a wing attached is no easy task either. Been there done that many many times. I now gift the bulk of my birds to the locals up there.

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 45

    We just got back Saturday from 8 days in Saskatchewan. The weather was great but almost too good with a couple of days with no morning wind. No issies at the border except it took us a little longer as they were training a new officer on vehicle inspections but no big deal. Plenty of birds in the Quill Lake area with plenty more coming in. There were also a lot more ducks than last year with the increased water this year. All the regs are off now so I am sure the flow of hunters heading up will increase a ton. Good luck if you go!

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