They used to be SUPER rare to see, but have made a great comeback. Hopefully they do well enough for a Minnesota-wide season on them (apparently there is a season in NW MN from Roseau to the border), I’ve heard them called the Ribeye of the Sky, and would love to find out myself.
I would be very careful not to shop at the meat market where these people are buying their ribeyes.
The Sandhill Crane are not bad but far from a ribeye. Think goose but a little drier/tougher and gamier. We harvested quite a few over the years in ND and I always slow cooked them in a soup based stew and they were ok.
If you want a shot at one head up to ND and buy the $30 stamp and you are good to go. It’s a cool hunt and almost eerie when a large flock comes in with their gurgling call.