thought sand was sand and now sand is a dune if it’s in current. why do fish prefer dunes over normal sand? i
Think about snow.
Where there is wind, there is drifts, where it is calm, no drifts.
Hide behind a snow drift on a windy day to get out of the wind…. be behind the sand dunes to get out of current, while still being in current. Fish like animals live better being efficient with their energy. Dunes put fish in low energy zone with high food availability.
Notice the snow harness changes on a snow drift. Front and top and hard, back is soft. Same happens with sand dunes.
You might say… well do fish go looking for these current breaking features in current. Absolutely. As the current rises and falls they leave and find area of similar current and food chain.
What makes a current seam different than a dune. Not much, except dunes are a larger scale than seams and therefore hold more fish as the structure generally has more carrying capacity.