Question About Dodgers

  • LimpFish
    Lino Lakes, Minnesota
    Posts: 232

    So a couple of weeks back, I got my first real exposure to using dodgers for salmon (never really had a reason to use the extra hardware because spoons/j plugs have been hot). So here’s my question…

    I used them a number of years ago with great success for lake trout, but at lower trolling speeds, where they moved back and forth. At the higher speeds for salmon, they were rolling in a wide circular motion. My buddies said they were supposed to move like that. We caught some fish on them, but that motion just didn’t seem right to me. Thoughts?




    Posts: 1007

    You are right, they are speed sensitive. I usually will use flashers, always at the higher speed of 2.5 mph+ use flashers. They are much more speed tolerant. If the dodger is rotating, you will catch some fish, but you would catch more on the flashers. good luck

    The Villages Florida
    Posts: 364

    When I use dodgers, I try to get them at a speed where once in a while one of them will roll over. Most of the time I try to have them going back and forth, that is what has worked best for me. Orange dodger and a green or blue fly=Coho in the box!!!!

    Manitowoc, WI
    Posts: 183

    My best speed with dodger/fly combinations tends to be around 2.5-2.8 mph. The desired action is the swaying back and forth instead of spinning. If you are running dodgers and they are spinning at that speed I suggest going to a larger dodger. A larger profile will give the desired sway instead of spin.

    Lino Lakes, Minnesota
    Posts: 232

    Thanks for confirming my suspicions guys!


    Big Lake, MN
    Posts: 389

    What is the difference between a dodger and a flasher?

    Posts: 1007

    a flasher rotates in circles, whereas a dodger just flashes side to side

    Brian Hazel
    Posts: 6

    Is the 2.5 mph your speed at the surface or at your rigger ball? Dodgers spin out at that speed unless its an opti. If I’m running a ton of dodgers/fly rigs, I’ll keep it at 1.8 or 2.0 at the ball.

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