I was contacted by a member of my local board a couple weeks back. He asked me for a tip on where he could fish. He had no free time until last weekend. I sent him my home number and told him to call me if he was in the area.
The phone rang last weekend early. I had been out of bed for quite a while. My back was acting up so I was up in the recliner. It was my buddy from Milwaukee. I gave him a nice place to go that I knew he would do well.
He called me when he was on stream for about 10 minutes and thanked me for sending him to a good spot. He had landed three above average browns already.
I called him about two hours later and he was elated. He had just caught 7 browns in seven casts from the same hole.
I asked him where he went in at. I told him he missed some good water and should loop back around after he was done on that stretch and hit the stretch he missed.
His photos and descriptions of his half day outing really tantalized me but I am still on the shelf due to back and knee surgery.
27 browns to hand on a robin’s egg blue sky day. If I can’t fish I can live vicariously through my friends.
Thank you for giving me a trout fix. The next time you are in the area I am going to hobble along with you.