Lake Michigan Door County Kings!!

  • cody_c.
    Pool 8
    Posts: 52

    Its sad to see my 6th (my grandpas 32nd)annual trip to door county come to an end. After reeling in these kings for 4 days, your arm is ready for a rest anyways! With scares of hot water, we were anticipating a tough bite. Many people don’t fish come late July/early August, and they have good reasons not too. With warm water temps, kings are often hard to find and lethargic. An easy to use and effective tool to seek out these cold water creatures is the Fish Hawk. This unit has speed and temp at the ball which is very critical. Even the slightest 1/10 of a mph off on a lake with strong currents will make your spoon do things your grandma wish she hadn’t. Anyways, back to my point. Knowing your speed and temp at the ball on your downrigger will put more fish in your boat and on the camera!

    Pool 8
    Posts: 52

    Can’t forget about the beautiful Lake Michigan sunrises and sunsets!

    Phoenix, AZ, formerly from the NW 'Burbs, Minneapolis, MN, USA
    Posts: 1620

    Wow, how amazing is that…

    I might be out there this coming weekend. I got my fingers crossed!

    Posts: 1471

    Cody, great fish and pictures. Sure your Grandpa had fun too. Nice family tradition.

    Pool 8
    Posts: 52

    My great grandpa even tags along on this fishing trip, which is amazing! Hes in his upper 80’s and still reels in King Salmon like a 16 year old kid! Having four generations in a fishing boat at once is something very few people will get to experience! I am proud to be one of those kids who does get to cherish fishing with the family!

    Posts: 1471

    Awesome story Cody.

    Lake Nebagamon Wisconsin
    Posts: 417

    Just got back from Gills Rock last night. Had a good trip. Wind direction and water temp dictated where we ran into the fish. Very few fish inside until the wind shifted from the north east and east…had to make the run out to the candy cane (RW buoy). With the wind shift fish and bait started showing up inside.
    bestfishes – jim

    Rochester, MN
    Posts: 2104

    awesome fishing and great report.

    I was trying to get over there this weekend but the two other fella’s bailed out on me. Not a trip to be there alone on that water.

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