Safe Ice?

  • bzzsaw
    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3510

    Went ice fishing in front of cabin (Cumberland WI) last Friday night. Had 2 buddies with me. Didn’t get out until after 7 pm (dark). Walked out from shore. There was some slush but not too bad. Drilled first hole and had 7 inches. Second hole was also 7 inches. One of my buddies was from FL and had never been on the ice before. He was scared to step foot off shore. We assured him it was safe once we drilled first 2 holes. I had 4 more holes to drill and had a crappy light. Was carrying auger (still running) and stepped into a hole (covered by about an inch of ice). It was over 15 ft of water. Talk about unexpected. I’ve stepped in ice fishing holes multiple times and this was much different. My left leg went way down, not stopping like it would if it were an ice fishing hole. I hit the edge of the ice above my hip and my left arm was able to grab the edge of the ice under my arm pit. Not sure how far my right leg went in. I was able to roll onto the ice. My auger was spinning in circles a little ways away. I don’t think I could have got any wetter. Needless to say, I was done ice fishing for the night. I took the picture of the hole the next morning and the picture of the bruise today (a week later). Talk about feeling very fortunate. I’m guessing the hole was about 4 or 5 ft across. It looks like there were multiple cracks that intersected and possibly all the snow melt funneled through this spot? My buddy from FL didn’t know what to think. -)

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    Posts: 181

    No ice is 100% safe. 2 lbs of gear (throw rope, picks) can save a life.

    Posts: 4487

    Looks like an active spring to me.

    Lil'Can, MN
    Posts: 1450

    Warm weather and running water that flows into a drain hole at times. They are the ice ant lion traps.

    Twin Cities
    Posts: 540

    Glad you made it out ok. Can’t be too careful

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3510

    Looks like an active spring to me.

    The lake is only 375 acres and doesn’t have much for current or springs. I know there was a ton of snow melt even before the rain last weekend.

    Posts: 1811

    So what did you catch the next day? whistling That could have Bad in the worse way.

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3510

    So what did you catch the next day? whistling That could have Bad in the worse way.

    The next night was raining nonstop and we caught/released 5 walleyes between 20 and 24 inches. Best night we’ve had in several years. 👍

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