sadly the final weekend!

  • Jeff LeBarron
    Posts: 3

    For all the goose guys that won’t let go the final weekend in mn is near. Soon the withdrawals will kick in and ice fishing gear will be pulled from the back of the garage. Can’t say it was the best season to date but one of the most memorable. I will say the anticipation for the final days is high with the cold weather setting in. The support group will begin soon!

    Posts: 585

    It was not the best season we have had but it was a fun one. It got to cold to fast and most of are birds went straight to Rochester. Still killed a bunch but since I don’t ice fish I’ll be down on pool 4 all winter. Enjoy your off season.

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100

    Come on boys, we need some pics…

    Muddy Corn Field
    Posts: 2493

    Rochester geese have been tough to impossible since we lost the snow the first time. We made one last attempt on Thursday to know avail. It was a quick season this year for sure.

    Only 7ish weeks until we’re back chasing snows though!

    Jeff LeBarron
    Posts: 3

    I will agree!! Thousands of birds a day and just to pull a few birds was a chore. The toughest December I’ve spent in roch in all the years I’ve hunted there. had a moment yesterday….as a flock of birds got up off the the river near my home. They just cleared the house and as I was looking straight up for bands, as any true goose guy would, it was brought to my attention with a car honk I was standing in the middle of the road! Hard to shut er down I guess.

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