Sad to hear about Tom Petty

  • crappie55369
    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    Coroner released the report that he died of an accidental drug overdose. The family claimed the stress on his body from touring was the cause of his overuse of fentanyl. Sounds like pretty much the same story as Prince a year ago. He was a hell of a performer and a great musician. May he rest in peace

    On the St.Croix
    Posts: 2501

    May he rest in peace.
    And after that jam with those that proceeded him.
    What a treasure we were given.

    Posts: 2218

    I guess I don’t understand stand an accidental overdose of a drug? Did anyone ask these guys if it was an accident? How do they know it was an accident?

    Posts: 1148

    I guess I don’t understand stand an accidental overdose of a drug? Did anyone ask these guys if it was an accident? How do they know it was an accident?

    Usually when it is intentional they leave a note or have been speaking about suicide. Not as common for somebody to just randomly kill themselves.

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>riverruns wrote:</div>
    I guess I don’t understand stand an accidental overdose of a drug? Did anyone ask these guys if it was an accident? How do they know it was an accident?

    Usually when it is intentional they leave a note or have been speaking about suicide. Not as common for somebody to just randomly kill themselves.

    People that were close to him knew, it doesn’t happen overnight.
    Sad, great music,

    Posts: 6259

    It’s kinda odd how so many great musicians of our day die the same way. From Elvis, Hendrix, Joplin and Morrison to recent guys like Petty and Prince. There are many more also. I guess drug abuse is an easy vice and the price of fame for many in that position and talent level. It was no secret Petty battled his demons over the years. It’s sad to see the demons win….

    Ryan Templeton
    Posts: 44

    It’s kinda odd how so many great musicians of our day die the same way. From Elvis, Hendrix, Joplin and Morrison to recent guys like Petty and Prince. There are many more also. I guess drug abuse is an easy vice and the price of fame for many in that position and talent level. It was no secret Petty battled his demons over the years. It’s sad to see the demons win….

    They don’t make many like him. His music was that backdrop for a lot of good moments in my life. Lots of road trips, thinking, motivation. RIP and God bless.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 10151

    I guess I don’t understand stand an accidental overdose of a drug? Did anyone ask these guys if it was an accident? How do they know it was an accident?

    Funny, If its a celeb then it is an accident. If its a nobody then its an OD.
    If someone is taking a drug that is not prescribed to them or not following the doctors dosage it’s an OD, Not accidental. Just like Prince, he OD’d there was no accident.

    Posts: 3696

    I heard he had a broken hip, bad knee and other ailments… and had been steadily increasing his Fentanyl dosage to get through the long tour. Could have been some interaction with other drugs too and just took its toll. No excuse but gives some insight as to how/why anyways..

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 11343

    It seems like every death under the age of 70 is now an opioid or painkiller OD and if it’s any kind of musician, ex-pro sports player, or anyone else even remotely famous, the chances are double.

    I heard on the TV news about a week or so ago, that for people under I believe it was 50, Opioid and painkiller overdoses are now the #1 cause of death period. Apparently, they passed car accidents and all cancers combined a few years back.

    I kind of couldn’t believe it, but the more I thought about it… Basically what we have in this country appears to be about 1 out of 10 people are high on either RX pain pills or are just skipping the doctor entirely and shooting heroin.

    If you look at some of the maps that have been on the news, basically from California through the mid-South, up into the rust belt, and the entire south is high as a kite. The colors on one map I saw indicated 20-25% of the aduilt population of California are using opioids or RX pain killers on a regular basis.

    Have to wonder if this is ever going to end or if we’re just going to be Crackho Nation or the United States of Smack.


    Central Mn.
    Posts: 16624

    Is it any wonder? Big pharmaceuticals are running un-checked. Watch the TV. Every commercial break features at least one ad for a drug. In a 30 second commercial they spend 10 seconds telling you the benefit of the drug and 20 seconds telling you what the adverse effects maybe. So, one drug to cure another drug to ween you off the first drug. You have people standing in their homes eating pills daily like it’s candy. Now if they can’t leverage your medical insurance to pay for these pills they will offer “help” (read financing)in getting their pills.

    It’s a shame what has happened in this country.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 1709

    It’s awful that any human is stuck in this mess. Yes it’s amplified by the media when it’s a famous person, not a new phenomenon. The lack of empathy, while not surprising, gets me every time.

    Have to wonder if this is ever going to end or if we’re just going to be Crackho Nation or the United States of Smack.


    These folks aren’t responsible for the crisis, but they sure aren’t going to solve it.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 1709

    Funny, If its a celeb then it is an accident. If its a nobody then its an OD.
    If someone is taking a drug that is not prescribed to them or not following the doctors dosage it’s an OD, Not accidental. Just like Prince, he OD’d there was no accident.

    Overdose and Accident are not mutually exclusive.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 10151

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>eelpoutguy wrote:</div>
    Funny, If its a celeb then it is an accident. If its a nobody then its an OD.
    If someone is taking a drug that is not prescribed to them or not following the doctors dosage it’s an OD, Not accidental. Just like Prince, he OD’d there was no accident.

    Overdose and Accident are not mutually exclusive.

    Sure, If a drug is mis-labeled, or administered incorrectly, etc. absolutely.
    But In Princes’ case, and looking at the drugs found in Tom Petty they were both abusing the drugs. No way would I classify that as an accident.

    Posts: 1130

    I remember we heard of his death later in the day after hearing about the Vegas shooting. And it was a Monday. What a terrible, terrible, terrible day. Tom Petty was one of the greatest.

    Wilton, WI
    Posts: 2759

    The lead singer of the cranberries just died at 46 too and probably the same circumstances. She leaves behind 3 kids.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    I remember we heard of his death later in the day after hearing about the Vegas shooting. And it was a Monday. What a terrible, terrible, terrible day. Tom Petty was one of the greatest.

    I’m glad you brought this up. I want to vent a little.

    More than 50 died of a mass shooting and received weeks of attention and press. It received days upon days of discussion amongst our elected officials.

    Yet more than 100 die every day in this country of opioid overdose. Not to be confused with a generalization of drud overdose. Opiod overdose alone.

    The impact is astonishing. I’d be willing to bet we all know at least one person who has lost their life to this. I do. This doesn’t target the mentality I’ll or the poor, it targets EVERYONE. It pisses me off that this doesn’t get more attention and more isn’t done about it.

    End rant.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Self infilicted vs innocent. I understand it can be an addiction but it’s not even close to the same.

    I don’t understand what you are trying to say here. What do you mean by innocent?

    You don’t know a thing about opioids do you?

    Posts: 1148

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>bob clowncolor wrote:</div>
    Self infilicted vs innocent. I understand it can be an addiction but it’s not even close to the same.

    I don’t understand what you are trying to say here. What do you mean by innocent?

    You don’t know a thing about opioids do you?

    We should all be very mindful whenever we are prescribed narcotic pain killers. If you fall down the slope it is a very difficult climb back up

    Posts: 2218

    Tin foil hat time now.

    Any chance someone is behind this that we can’t touch? Let’s see how this works on the public under the cover of another drug that can be sold and manufactured?

    Posts: 7348

    Noone forces painkillers down people’s throats biggill. There are choices involved with very well known risks. It’s easy to blame the pills and not the people.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Noone forces painkillers down people’s throats biggill. There are choices involved with very well known risks. It’s easy to blame the pills and not the people.

    Again, you know nothing about opioids do you? It’s not about choosing.

    Doctors perscribe it like they’re jelly beans. They tell you to take them before you have pain and claim that it reduces stress and improves recovery time. Then they refill prescriptions without question. 1 fill of medication can make someone addicted. It did for me. I took 50 oxy when I reall only needed about 10. Luckily I bit the bullet and dealt with the the effects before I

    My cousin died from mixing alcohol and opioids. She had a teenage son. It can happen to ANYONE. I’m scared that if this crap doesn’t get addressed that my kids could be affected. It knows no boundaries, it doesn’t discriminate.

    You say it as if the people it affects deserve it because they can stop any time. In severe cases, stopping will kill you.

    Don’t act like you know.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 16624

    Lets agree neither side knows everything and let the subject lay. I don’t see anything good coming from this discussion.

    biggill, sorry to hear of your loss.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 1709

    Lets agree neither side knows everything and let the subject lay. I don’t see anything good coming from this discussion.

    biggill, sorry to hear of your loss.


    Biggill, thanks for having the guts.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Sorry for carrying on. I just realized I skipped over a bunch of comments by you, p2fool and grouse and was already being discussed.

    Bottom line is people need to wake up because will very likely affect every one of us. It’s a far bigger problem than you all think. It’s tough to make news when 100’s die every day.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 10944

    For those who like a good conspiracy theory…remember Iran Contra in the 80s when it was discovered the CIA was funding illegal activities by importing cocaine? Well we’ve been in Afghanistan since 9/11 basically and during that time Afghanistan became the worlds largest opioid producer, while opioid and heroin use spiked in the US during the same time frame.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    For those who like a good conspiracy theory…remember Iran Contra in the 80s when it was discovered the CIA was funding illegal activities by importing cocaine? Well we’ve been in Afghanistan since 9/11 basically and during that time Afghanistan became the worlds largest opioid producer, while opioid and heroin use spiked in the US during the same time frame.

    Ha! Way ahead of you! I heard that too.

    I’ll raise you one more. There’s a rumor that North Korea has one of the largest known lithium veins in the world. It would sure be nice to power our electronics addiction with cheaper batteries.

    I’ll apologize again for getting off topic.

    Posts: 7348

    You’re obviously emotionally attached to the issue going by your lack of objectivity.

    Don’t tell someone who’s buried people last few years and struggled for years on others what they know and don’t know wave

    It’s a choice.

    East Bethel, MN
    Posts: 11321

    Then why bother struggle with someone if they’re free to choose? They know it’s bad, they know what it’s doing to them. They know it’ll kill them. Why bother?

    They should know better, right? They can stop any time, right?

    Why didn’t they stop before it killed them?

    Are you talking opioids? If not, they’re a totally different animal from all other drugs.

    I’m not emotionally attached. That was over 10 years ago and has no bearing on how I feel about this. However my kids are a different story.

    Posts: 2218

    Made a few weiners today. wave I now feel bad. sleeping

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