…but have a hard time with the Hypothesis that the Persons who was arrested may possibly not be a legal citizen
the news article went out of its way to make a distinction between the person who committed child sexual assault being from Texas, and the 11 people in the home who were detained by immigration. i suppose i don’t view them stating that distinction as a coincidence.
…or the one where its possible that one or more of the illegal people people in the house may have had a roll in the crime of rape.
if there were any evidence for this, they would have been arrested by the police and not turned over to immigration. i suppose i don’t view that as a coincidence either, although the police leave wiggle room by saying they continue to investigate those individuals for any role. (which could include failure to protect.)
…if you feel this strongly about Illegal immigrants being fine you should be willing to help them out in any way that you can.
i’ve stated – repeatedly, if you care to go back and re-read it – that immigration is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. it’s just a different problem than violent crime, and conflating the two issues is unhelpful. saying “take them into your house” is a straw man argument.
…Not worth the effort to try to debate someone who calls them “unauthorized immigrants”
that’s just the language used by the Dept of Homeland Security. they define unauthorized immigrants as: “…all foreign-born non-citizens who are not legal residents.” 
politically correct language can go way too far. way, way too far.
but i do find it helpful to use person-centered language. our word choice reflects and shapes our view of others, and “illegal alien” is dehumanizing, something that makes it easier to not care about them or be thoughtful about related issues. i choose to see the person first, and the issues second. i suppose for some that makes me bad guy, or a “total F-ing Idiot”?