Ham Lake

  • Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13448

    Saturday was the annual Boy scout fishing contest on Ham Lake. The nice weather we had that day made for a pretty good turn out. We got our tickets about 10:30, found a few holes off to the edge of the group and got set up. The contest started at 11am and as soon as the lines went down it was game on. I would guess there had to be 150 people there and would bet most of them caught fish. Most of the fish caught where small sun fish but there where a few northerns and bass mixed in. Did not see any crappies caught. The sunfish where biting on small jigs and euro larvae. The bigger fish where hitting minnows.

    This was the 1st time we have gone to this contest. It was a fun time. Everyone won a door prize. Top prizes where a few portable fish houses and a ice auger.

    Anyone else been getting out on Ham Lake? Earlier this winter we where getting a few crappies out there. Havent had much luck finding them since.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13448

    Forgot to mention there is another contest this coming weekend to. Not sure who is putting this one on. Ill try to post more details this week.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13448

    Thanks Mojo. Anyone planning on fishing this?

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