Linwood Lake?

  • Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13330

    Anyone been out on Linwood yet this year? Thinking about closing up shop early this afternoon and trying either Linwood or Island lake. Should be a nice afternoon for some fishing.

    Posts: 337

    was out there a couple weeks ago was slow did better across the street at island lake.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13330

    We just got home from Island lake. First time I have ever fished that lake and it wasnt to bad. Plenty of sunfish biting. Caught a nice LM bass and a dozen or so crappies.

    Found fish in a variety of depths again from 10′ to almost 20′. In the deeper water there where some very active schools of crappies and sunfish cruising around 5 to 10′ down.

    It was a little chilly and breezy out this afternoon but hole hopping was still the best way to go. The active fish seemed to be moving around pretty good and it just didnt pay to sit in one spot to long waiting for them.

    Fun lake and easy to get out on.

    Mike W
    MN/Anoka/Ham lake
    Posts: 13330

    Got back out on Island for a while this afternoon. Fishing was still pretty decent but the presentation needed to get them to react had sure changed. Found plenty of sunfish and crappies to the edge of the main deep hole in the lake. The trick to get these finicky biters going today little to no action on the lure. Either just letting it sit in front of them or a light tapping with your fingure on the reel was the most action you wanted to show them. Was stuck using wax worms today on my Gil Pil. It was tough getting them to go on a full waxie. Tearing them in half was the ticket. Just a heads up that the local bait shop up there does not carry euro larve.

    Looked like a few people out on linwood this afternoon. I may need to give that a try later this week.

    Posts: 517

    went to linwood the other day, what was funny was, we went to the point, caught nothing, did not even mark a fish. went to the flats, found nothing too. than decided to head back to the launch and fish with the crowds. hoping to catch a few pannies. we had pannie gears, but that evening, we caught nothing but northerns. lost all my gill pills with my spoons due to the northerns. the trick was keeping the fat head alive, and than just letting it sit on the jig.

    Northern Twin Cities, MN
    Posts: 11374

    Thanks for the report fish4fun! Any size on those gators?

    Posts: 7

    I’ve always been pretty lucky on Linwood. It’s one off my go-to lakes actually. Last week, ice fishing, I got a nice 30″ northern. In the fall I caught a nice dinner sized walleye too.

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