Sheephead (fresh water drum) Photo’s

  • armchairdeity
    Phoenix, AZ, formerly from the NW 'Burbs, Minneapolis, MN, USA
    Posts: 1620

    That first one is actually pretty good size!

    La Crosse Wisconsin
    Posts: 216

    it was 8.8lbs on the scale

    Phoenix, AZ, formerly from the NW 'Burbs, Minneapolis, MN, USA
    Posts: 1620


    it was 8.8lbs on the scale

    Not bad by any stretch!

    Pat Howard
    Sparta Wi
    Posts: 1522

    Got this 12.5 lber trolling cranks on Lake Pepin

    Phoenix, AZ, formerly from the NW 'Burbs, Minneapolis, MN, USA
    Posts: 1620

    Man, sheepies are just insane fish. They’ll hit anything, anywhere, as long as it moves and doesn’t smell like flowers.

    I bet that beast fought like a… umm… beast!

    upstate New York
    Posts: 423

    heres a few I found. Lake Champlain has some Giants! that one was from St lawerence river. jig and leech for walleye…

    Garnavillo Iowa
    Posts: 542

    I caught these two while crappie fishing 1st one I caught right behind a 13″ crappie on a slender spoon on a 9ft crappie rod all I can say is a battle I thought I hooked into a 5lb crappie till I saw the silve shine defintly got the heart pumping 2nd one I knew as soon as I hooked it what it was both fish were 6 inches below surface

    United States
    Posts: 1434

    Got a 34″ one last night on a jig and twister tail on ultralight outfit. Sorry, did not have a scale or camera with. Also got a beefy 28″ walleye later.

    E. Moline Illinois along the Rock River
    Posts: 1180

    Another one for the crows.

    Fridley, Mn
    Posts: 195

    Here is one from Pepin last week-end. I didn’t measure or weigh, but would guess maybe 7-8#?

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Looks like it to me!

    Posts: 284

    Nice to see such a thread …this bad boy was a fun catch.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Welcome to Ido and what a nice first post!

    Posts: 284

    Thanks a bunch Brian this is an awesome site I’m sure I’ll learn a lot from everyone here.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    Welcome to IDO. That is one big Drum

    PoCo, WI
    Posts: 26

    anyone know anything about sheepies spawning patterns? im curious to see if they are something to look for when i go out bowfishing this spring

    Posts: 284

    Thanks Bret this is my new fave site Love reading all the fish stories/pics.

    Phoenix, AZ, formerly from the NW 'Burbs, Minneapolis, MN, USA
    Posts: 1620

    OK so I posted this in the rough fish pics thread before I realized there was one just for drum.

    Still… it must needs be seen here as well. SO… there ya go. Not huge, not small. Just a decent drum (and even though I was using heavy gear and only had about 4′ of line out, it was still fun to bring it in because it hit SO hard!)

    I didn’t have a scale along, but I figure it was roughly 2#…

    Phoenix, AZ, formerly from the NW 'Burbs, Minneapolis, MN, USA
    Posts: 1620


    Nice fish, really bad lighting in that pis tho…

    PIC darnit, PIC. Sheesh… how does stuff like this sneak by before you post it? lol

    Phoenix, AZ, formerly from the NW 'Burbs, Minneapolis, MN, USA
    Posts: 1620

    My buddy Scary Jeff… 4#13.

    Actually this fish became the cut bait that I caught my 7#14 channel cat on that same night.

    PoCo, WI
    Posts: 26

    yeah, i am going to start a Dog Fish thread dawg. yeah thats right, i even eat them. they are the toughest fish in the area. bar none.

    PoCo, WI
    Posts: 26


    Another one for the crows.

    come on man, dont feed him to the birds. hes been smashing zebra mussels for his whole adult life and you are going to do that to him?

    Sioux City,IA
    Posts: 874

    Sheepheads Good fight but wanted to catch other species. Overall it was nice to be out on the Mississippi.

    Phoenix, AZ, formerly from the NW 'Burbs, Minneapolis, MN, USA
    Posts: 1620

    That’s one funny-lookin sheepie moxie… I’ve never seen one that green and with a mouth that large.

    Is it one of those new invasive African largemouth sheephead?

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 172

    I bet that was the bait. Cut Bass will do the job for drum but cat’s don’t like ’em.


    Posts: 308

    I didn’t know about this sheepshead area. Thank BK cuz that’s why you

    She was big. But can we upgrade later? please??? With spam on top? PB 2013 today at approx 2030

    But way impressed on all above. Dang!!!

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Find any crappies in the storm sewer behind you?

    Posts: 308

    Nope. Closer to the sewer, 2 men were inhabiting. Didn’t them catch a fish.

    Wabasha Mn
    Posts: 1096

    Here is one from a 07 or 08 I don’t remember. My personal best.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    26 pounds if I recall.

    That photo always bring a smile to my face. Dang thing looks like it came from the ocean!

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