Rainy Season Progress

  • castandblast
    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 269

    This is probably the wrong place to post this so sorry for that, but I thought you all might like to read about this.

    The seasons are a little different in SE Asia. Instead of the 4 seasons in the midwest, we have 2; the Rainy and Dry season. Like back home, I am learning that each season has different peak times for fishing too. I have been monitoring the progression that happens every year here.

    PIC 1 : In this picture, I am standing on a bridge that connects 2 bodies of water. The water under the bridge is also isolated and serves as a sanctuay for several different species that you have seen me already post about. The water is somewhat clear and it is full of fish. This picture was taken on May 9th and is about the lowest level of water we will see.

    PIC 2: As the rains have increased over the last couple of weeks, you will notice the water under the bridge turn into chocolate milk making my spot under the bridge no good until next year. The reason for the change in water color is because the water on the other side has connected with the once isolated canal between these two bodies of water. This picture was taken on May 26th.

    PIC 3: In this picture you will begin to notice the lake above begin to flood over into the canal causing the water to clear up a bit because of the flow of water. This picture was taken on June 7th.

    PIC 4: We will have a lot more rain yet to come causing the water level to rise far above the cement butress, all the way to the bridge. This too is a good time to fish here as seen in an old photo I took August 7th, 2004. A lot of Thais like to fish the high water. It can be a good time of year. This is about the peak of the water level here. After August, the rains subside and the water level starts to drop, also making for good fishing.

    The seasonal changes here are sure interesting to study. I was in Cambodia in 2003 and they have a large river that actually reverses the direction of its flow because of the rainy season. Interesting stuff!

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