A few summer lumps.

  • b-rye22
    Posts: 31

    I have been able to stay on the lumps this summer landing tons of fish in the 20-29lb range and 4 fish in the 30+ range (all in the same session lol). I have landed fish from MI,MA,NY and Canada this summer during my tournament travels and have not only placed well every were I have gone, but also have garnered enough attention from across the pond to have been asked to join the Prostaff team of the largest bait manufacture in Europe, Mainline Baits! Here are some of the lumps along with a few sweet little Mirrors from MA some of which are Fully Scaled Mirrors. Hope you guys Enjoy !

    Nevis, MN
    Posts: 5116

    Wow,congratulations! Can you explain “lumps and mirrors”

    cottage grove, mn
    Posts: 1305

    Those are some big fish and looks like fun Congrats on joining the prostaff team I look forward to hearing how you target them.

    Posts: 31


    Wow,congratulations! Can you explain “lumps and mirrors”

    Ya no problem, A mirror Carp are the ones that you see in the photos with the irregular scale pattern, they just have a slightly different genetic make up that gives them this scale pattern. They are also very rare over most of the USA. “Lumps” is simply another term for big fish, I guess it may not be used much outside of the European carp community.

    crawford county WI
    Posts: 819

    B congrats those are some nice looking fish although I prefer to shoot them with the bow. Which ever way you slice it carp are a fun fish, and plenty to go for on the sippi. good luck with the boys across the pond.

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