Roosevelt lake

  • glenn57
    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12894

    EPG’s favorite lake ie in this edition of Minnesota Outdoor News!! Didn’t read the article yet but headline says it’s a Muskie destination!

    Posts: 3913

    I am going to have to reread that, I thought it said musty destination??
    Which would make sense if you consider all of the corona uhm, er, disposed of near there.

    Posts: 3319

    I’ve heard that lake has Corona Virus. whistling

    Posts: 3913

    Yes it does MX, I can show you about fifty or so spots where it started at, and in a couple of other spots it was contaminated with 7 x 7, I spose I better explain that, old number seven returned to the earth 7 times.

    Posts: 3913

    Ya know, come to think of it, its a dang wonder the tram rails havent rusted out prematurely.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12894

    rotflol rotflol rotflol rotflol I did read the article, it did say something about stained water!! whistling

    Posts: 2845

    I’ve heard there is a creature that roams about that area.I think it’s named the Roosie Coronasquatch.
    If i remember correctly it imitates a fisherman by day and and nobody is sure what the he!! it is by night,other than a pain in the a$$.
    If your ever up that way and suspect your in it’s presence get the he!! out of there quickly.I repeat leave as fast as you can,trust me on this one.
    I have to warn people of one other thing,DO NOt and i mean DO NOT feed it a Corona.If given one it will never go away,like feeding a stray cat.
    You Have Been Warned.

    Posts: 3913

    I’ve heard there is a creature that roams about that area.I think it’s named the Roosie Coronasquatch.
    If i remember correctly it imitates a fisherman by day and and nobody is sure what the he!! it is by night,other than a pain in the a$$.
    If your ever up that way and suspect your in it’s presence get the he!! out of there quickly.I repeat leave as fast as you can,trust me on this one.
    I have to warn people of one other thing,DO NOt and i mean DO NOT feed it a Corona.If given one it will never go away,like feeding a stray cat.
    You Have Been Warned.

    rotflol rotflol rotflol rotflol rotflol rotflol rotflol rotflol rotflol

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11041

    LMAO –
    I’m pretty sure there are no fish in this lake but I have it on inside info that there is a Coronasquatch and yes, do not feed this Animal or play pull tabs with him.

    Update – the Coronasquatch was last seen fishing in Mexico and he cannot catch fish there either. redface but he can drink like a fish. toast

    FYI – Coronasquatch is not married but it looks like he is getting close. whistling

    Stay tuned………

    Posts: 3913

    I have proof

    1. Coronasquatch-on-Rosie.jpg

    Posts: 3913

    oh boy……..

    1. wisdom-speaks.jpg

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11041

    3’s the charm. wink

    Posts: 3913

    I got dibs on the moose and the new rig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Posts: 3913

    Yanks and Rebs

    1. Yanks-and-Rebs.jpg

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12894

    Well if he’s moving to NC or wherever the hell whistling who’s got dibs on the cabin??

    And how the holy hello are the bars up there gonna survive!! shock

    Posts: 2845

    Good God somebody get that man some help.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12894

    Good God somebody get that man some help.

    rotflol rotflol rotflol

    and here i thought when i posted this we’d have a healthy discussion about fishing and the fish in Roosevelt lake!!!!!!!! doah coffee

    boy was i wrong!!!!!!!!! whistling

    Posts: 3913

    Glenn57, the only way you can find fish in that lake is to spill a little corona in it while you are in a boat, he has them trained to follow him around and him only.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6710

    Iowaboy, the way I hear it he couldn’t catch a fish even if Babe Winkelman rigged his rods and Al Linder told him were to cast and how to jig it.

    SW Metro
    Posts: 12418

    Feel like we need to organize an intervention for this Coronasquatch, need to teach him it’s ok to rent for awhile and not to use his pulltab philosophy of throwing good money after bad on his personal life! rotflol rotflol

    Posts: 12717

    Can we just make it an IDO cabin. All are welcome.

    Posts: 3913

    January 6, 2023 at 7:52 am#2171671
    Iowaboy, the way I hear it he couldn’t catch a fish even if Babe Winkelman rigged his rods and Al Linder told him were to cast and how to jig it.

    So I tried to find a picture of those two together and photoshop EPG walking away in the background, I failed dang it so you have to use your imagination with the meme in your mind.

    Babe speaking, Al, have you ever seen or heard such a thing?
    Al, No Babe, we tried everything we know to help that guy catch a fish.
    Babe, yup, he kept mumbling about southern bells, corona, and something about ib1.
    Babe, are those lures we have never heard of? whatever it was I doubt they would work either.
    Al, probably right, lets get out of here before he rubs off on us!
    And what in the heck is that smell!!

    Posts: 3319

    EPG do you have a divorce lawyer on speed dial?


    EPG maybe you should try Polygamy!
    You said 3rd time the charm. Hell just get 2 more Belle’s to add to the household, I mean Harem.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11041

    Actually I am using the same Attorney I used 28 years ago with the 1st and a hard no to polygamy.
    I use to tell X#2 that she never has to worry about me having a girlfriend because one nagging on me is more than enough.
    and If anyone is going to Mexico and wants a Corona, you may want to call ahead. whistling
    Gotta love them all inclusives. toast

    BTW – Best all inclusive I’ve ever stayed at. The staff was very well trained, and no buffets it was all al-la-cart order off the menu.
    Secrets Los Cabos.

    Glenn was that the most current MN Outdoors?

    You can have the new rig, but the Moose is coming with me to NC. wave

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 12894

    Yes the January 6 the edition. This one

    1. IMG_20230106_1746569812-scaled.jpg

    Posts: 12717

    If you move to NC can I have first dibs on buying the auger that spins the wrong way? Heard they work better with deep slush. whistling

    Posts: 3913

    Well folks thats a wrap…

    Posts: 5133

    By “Musky Destination” they mean the smell, Eau De Toilet!!

    1. musk-eau-de-parfum-50-ml-292360-3.jpg

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