Roof rake

  • fishtoeat
    Chippewa Falls, Wi
    Posts: 415

    Anyone use one of the roof rakes that slice and let the snow slide off of the roof roof, like the ones in the links below? I need to buy one because of ice damming the last two years and would like to buy it just once! Thanks.

    Tom Albrecht
    Eau Claire
    Posts: 547

    They work ok. I’d probably just invest that money into insulation instead though.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13105

    I have a roof rake, not that type. It’s one with a blue scraper blade and 3 sections. A FF special.

    Chippewa Falls, Wi
    Posts: 415

    I had an insulating contractor take a look at it as I wanted to have more chutes put in between the trusses and then spray foam above the top plate and then blow in dense pack behind it. It is a modular home with a 4/12 pitch roof and he did not feel comfortable with his guys going in the attic as the bottom chords of the trusses were flexing too much. He suggested going in through the soffits and doing it that way, but it is too late for that this year, probably this summer though.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19027

    I’ve had good luck with the aluminum rake but be sure to get the one with rollers. I had a plastic one without rollers that damaged the shingles. Never had that problem with rollers. I like to keep the weight off the roof and it does eliminate ice damning caused by warm temps. Unrelated to insulation.

    Posts: 3492

    I’ve used the Avalanche brand and it works well. Just try to do it before it starts settling/crystalizing which makes it harder to slice.

    Richland County, WI
    Posts: 715

    The one I use looks like a dyslexic shovel on a stick. Bought it years ago at Menards, it is heavy duty compared to the newer ones

    Posts: 231

    I purchased this exact one last year and it’s hard to operate in packed snow, but works well in soft stuff. My biggest peeve is they should install a center bar on the cutter head so the snow falls to either side instead of coming down into your face. I put one on mine.

    Chippewa Falls, Wi
    Posts: 415

    Which one did you go with, the Avalanche?

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5901

    Some commented on proper ventilation and insulation, the combination will stop the creation of ice dams thus stopping further damage to the structure of your roof. When you have done this you will notice nearly no ice stalactites hanging from the roof.

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5901

    btw, I would advise against using anything like that on the roof as it will drag the granular of the shingles. jmo

    Lake City, MN
    Posts: 317

    I have the Avalanche and it works great. The wheels on each side keep the steel cutter from touching the shingles, so there is no damage to the shingles. 1/100th the effort vs. a roof rake.

    Posts: 319

    I have one like that made by the company called the Minnsnowta Roof Razer, it does work good and well built. I bought the wheel kit to go with it and glad I did, it keeps it up off the shingles or steel roof.

    Perham Mn
    Posts: 270

    I have the Avalanche and it works great. The wheels on each side keep the steel cutter from touching the shingles, so there is no damage to the shingles. 1/100th the effort vs. a roof rake.

    I have the same one. Last year I cleaned the house and the pole barns. All had 2 ft + on them. It makes the job a breeze. No damage whatsoever to the shingles or the barn steel. Worth every penny!!

    Posts: 162

    We use a roof rake for heavy accumulations and heat tape to prevent ice build up. With three foot overhangs, no amount of insulation would resolve that problem. But vent chutes and foam above the top plates are a good add-on.

    Posts: 162

    Tools are only as useful as their users. Rakes CAN cause damage but they don’t HAVE TO cause damage.. Happy New Year.

    Don Meier
    Butternut Wisconsin
    Posts: 1759

    Bought the Snow Peeler needs a cutter on top of pole like someone said blocks of snow will slide down and smack you . Otherwise it works good .

    Lil'Can, MN
    Posts: 1450

    I have a roof rake but not a slider type. It sort of have some little wheels on the under side. I just take a little off the roof just so I don’t get a huge snow drift dam on top.

    Posts: 2884

    I’ve used the regular kind and the “slide” kind. Both work. I will say the slide one is a little bit more of a hassle just trying to keep the material from misbehaving and wrapping it up at the end, but it was worth it IMO. Made much quicker and easier work of the snow, especially if there’s a lot of it!

    Delta, WI
    Posts: 422

    I tell everyone about how well the Avalanche works..Many of my relatives borrow it throughout the winter

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