Ron Schara at MVIF mtg Tues 7/22

  • Jack Naylor
    Apple Valley, MN
    Posts: 5668

    This next Tuesday July 22nd Ron Schara will be at our monthly meeting.
    He is always entertaining, am sure quite a few fish stories will be told.
    Come and join us for what will be a very enjoyable evening.

    We are the Minnesota Valley In-Fisherman Club in Apple Valley, MN.

    The meeting is at the American Legion in Apple Valley, MN. and will start at 7pm.

    The American Legion is a couple of blocks north of Cedar Ave and Co Rd RD 42. It is 2 to 3 blocks west
    of Cedar between 145th and 147th Ave’s on Granada Ave. Just look for the BIG American Flag.

    Bring a friend, our meetings are open to the public.

    PM me with any questions, Hope to see you there.


    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19027

    Thanks for the warning.

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