Roll call

  • Deuces
    Posts: 5307

    It’s always an interesting conversation when history is brought into it Andy. Good quote.

    Churchill knew he would eventually be joined with the US which would bring, in a matter of just months, a supply of war materials that their lil island could only dream of and completely altering the dynamics of the war.

    In our fight with this war, I fear the lack of response to getting the same vital materials made could be costly. In WW2 a side had months to plan out an attack, or for the other side, a strong defense. Months in this war we have now, could cost us far more than what a blitz could’ve.

    But all that’s not economics in which the post is about.

    US manufacturing was a large piece which made the tides change in WW2. With the US now being so entirely service based, how does that work for producing these needed materials? And to follow that, with much of our manufacturing being done with robotics how will this manufacturing help our economy as a whole? I guess we will see.

    Lots of stories of this business doing this, or making that, but the only thing that matters is what the soldiers on the frontlines actually have, and right now, our medical soldiers barely have enough, and the battle has just begun.

    Posts: 150

    Heavy highway road construction here so I’ve been laid off since December. Right now our owner is hoping we can go full-throttle by April 20th, which is about as soon as road restrictions can be lifted. Everyone seems to be projecting they will let us get back to work as soon as possible to get us off unemployment. Looking to be a record year for this 3rd generation family owned company. Anyone needing and willing to work hard can get a job in this industry. There just is not enough good operators to get all the work done in the metro area. Most employers would like to expand but can’t get enough operators to do it.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17381

    Heavy highway road construction here so I’ve been laid off since December. Right now our owner is hoping we can go full-throttle by April 20th, which is about as soon as road restrictions can be lifted.

    Drove up 35 towards Hinkley on Tuesday and the cones were out, one lane closed. They were getting ready to start that project again very soon.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17381

    You two guys are heading towards a IDO sponsored vacation. doah Lets leave the political stuff out of this. jester

    Posts: 5307

    G’s was a biased opinion, mine was just a bilaterally symmetric observation. doah

    Posts: 6631

    Political ? Its a fact, prove me wrong.

    Whether it is or isn’t doesn’t matter.

    This isn’t the place to discuss politics. If it doesn’t suit your needs, there are a lot of other places to look.

    Isle, MN
    Posts: 22932


    I’m with you Andy, God willing the majority of people can keep working right through this mess and in a year from now things will be even better than before!

    I’m not giving up, and I’ll never give up. If there’s work to be done, I’ll be there doing it. If my company offers me voluntary time off, I will decline the offer with a smile. The show must go on, and will go on.

    God willing ? Leave your religion out too…. plenty of other places for that. jester

    Jesse Krook
    Posts: 6403

    Still working in fact our company is working overtime. Some folks putting in 60-70 hours per week. Being essential has it perks but I’d rather be out fishing.

    Central Mn.
    Posts: 17381

    Good to see you post again Jesse. waytogo

    Posts: 1671

    Wife got the axe today. Her position was eliminated. Got the call after lunch, and by the time she was off the phone she was locked out of her computer. We will be fine, but I really feel for her. She is taking it really personal. She seams to always get $hit on by employers. I know how hard she works, and how dedicated she is to her work. I couldn’t imagine letting go an employee like her. I truly admire her work ethics and dedication.

    Posts: 5307

    My sector in construction seems to be busier. Low interest rates, the whole pandemic for now, I’ll reiterate, for now, seems to be trending lower deaths as predicted. People with money want stuff done sooner than later. I’m hiring when I wanted to take time off to flatten the curve.

    We’ll see how it goes long term coffee

    New Richmond, WI
    Posts: 1359

    working… beyond busy right now. In medical R&D so there’s been a bit of rush on that topic the last few weeks.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Wife got the axe today. Her position was eliminated. Got the call after lunch, and by the time she was off the phone she was locked out of her computer. We will be fine, but I really feel for her. She is taking it really personal. She seams to always get $hit on by employers. I know how hard she works, and how dedicated she is to her work. I couldn’t imagine letting go an employee like her. I truly admire her work ethics and dedication.

    Sounds like my wife. We both work remotely now (I started before the virus) and I am literally shamed by her work ethic. She starts early every day and is always the best worker in her division always winning the incentives.

    Me, I am pretty much like Peter from Office Space.

    I hope your wife finds this a blessing in disguise and finds the best job for her at a good employer.

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