Rod storage in wheel house

  • mrpike1973
    Posts: 1507

    I’m to short to have anything on the ceiling. possible to mount some under my cabinets but only 12 inches wide most 6 rod holders are 16 inches. Possible on the wall but worried it would pull out of the paneling at some point or just a rod case bulky but no issues.

    Posts: 1044

    How about this? I use this in my garage upright.

    Picture won’t load. Go to BPS and type in rod rack.

    Posts: 1507

    Looks like it will work thanks

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4000

    They are super easy to make and if you are not good with wood you can buy pipe clamps. A little Velcro will make sure they don’t move when you are. If you are clumsy after a few hours fishing. You can cut slits in PVC and protect the whole rod.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6738

    I am looking at the catch cover brand ones. A little expensive but looks like a good product.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22119

    Ceiling racks are what’s in my old man’s. Just keep a stool in the shack. We have 20 rods all sorted out and out of the way.. had wall racks but like them on the ceiling better

    Posts: 588

    Ceiling racks are the way to go IMO. Keeps other gear and yourself away from the rods and hooks.

    When mounting the rack, make sure that one of the supports is between guides on your ice rods. This way they can stay in the rack during transport if wanted.

    Posts: 4802

    I have 2 of the rapala holders. I like them, they lock in tight and never had one fall out

    1. AF91B8E1-DC66-4B2B-8DA0-C18A8BE6BC41.png

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