Rod holder tree

  • mann4ducks
    Posts: 255

    Looking for alittle help in picking out a rod holder tree system. Fished with a friend on lake MI and want to add a two or three rod tree in the front of my trax I have a 2040 with 6’ trax on both sides. I cut down my grab rail to the middle support. I also have a Rivera mast side planer system Amy help appreciated

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13884

    I prefer having adjustable holders on a mast. The elevation seems to help with longer leadcore (7-10 color) and coppers in coppy water. I don’t like stationary holders. We often run dipseys in the lower holders and boards up high. Other days it’s all boards.

    Buddy I troll with often has Cisco adjustable (3) on a base. These work well for how he set up his boat.

    Posts: 255

    Thanks Randy. My friend had a vertical tree I liked how it left room on the gunnels. I am trying to 10-15#s on a 5# boat but I think I can get it done with the right tools whe we’re in his 2075 Tyee

    Posts: 6518

    The stainless Amazon cheapies work pretty well if you’re on a budget.

    They’re fully adjustable and you can get a pair of triples for under $200

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13884

    That is exactly why I like them on a mast. Elevates and keeps room on the rail

    James Almquist
    Posts: 531

    I have a set of Great Lakes Planer rod holders. They are super well built and can take what ever you throw at them. They are not cheap but if you keep your eyes open you might find a used set.

    Posts: 255

    Thanks again for the info. Does anyone run ciscos. I like the ability to rotate entire tree and individual holders angles. I am trying to find something similar I am not running main planer boards off of them that those are on a mast in front seat pocket

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