march fishing

  • Kelly Jordan
    Fort Atikinson,Wisc
    Posts: 327

    well,seeing the river was iced up earlier in the week,and ive had my fill of ice fishing,thought id head up and try fishing for harbor brown trout at port washington,fished from 7:30 am till noon,caught one 26 in steelhead,approx 6 to 7 lb,and one 21 in brown,missed to other hits,all fish on shiner under a slip bobber,think i found a new winter past time for next yr,was fun,now for some rock river eyes

    Menomonee Falls, WI
    Posts: 1020

    Hey RB,

    You have found what I have been doing for several years to by time to the river opens. I haven’t been on the lakefront yet this year but between the winter/spring browns and steelhead there is always something to do til the rock opens up. Next time you think about going. Shoot me a message and I may be able to join ya or show you some other areas in MKE.


    Kelly Jordan
    Fort Atikinson,Wisc
    Posts: 327

    im game,and id like to learn some spots in mke,i fish somewhere most weekends,so if you make it out in the harbor area yet this yr.let me know thnks. 11ft rod w/4lb test,makes it even more fun

    Kelly Jordan
    Fort Atikinson,Wisc
    Posts: 327

    thank you,was even too busy to stop for a green beer,now thats just not right

    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 1426

    Well, since this thread is entitled March Fishing, and not March Catching, I’ll add a report from yesterday. With the grim forecast of a bunch of snow for today, I managed to put in 3 hours on the Rock at Newville yesterday afternoon. The launches at the Anchor Inn, and Harbor Rec are both open. The Shell Station is open, and had plenty of bait, and the river was wide open with no ice flows, at a manageable flow. With all these favorable conditions, and temps in the mid-40’s just ahead of a major storm, and back from Pool 4 just a week ago, my expectations were high. But the walleye did not cooperate yesterday. Not even a hit for the full 3 hours, and talked to another boat that had been out a couple hours longer than me, and same thing….not even a hit. Tried the pylons, tried the shallow breaks, tried the deeper holes, and Nada.
    So packed it in at 5 pm, still content from a nice afternoon on open water. Water temps, by the way, were at 35.5 degrees. Better days are ahead!

    Menomonee Falls, WI
    Posts: 1020

    Come on Z man,

    You had to be the first one out . Or am I mistaken (Jeff or Greg)

    Thanks for the call but could not have made it any way. I should get my boat back this week so hopefully I can get out soon.


    Gregg Pfeifer
    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 889

    No, I haven’t made it out yet but did lose a few jigs shore casting. I started getting the boat ready though but when I dropped my battery charger and smashed it to pieces on the garage floor I gave that up for a while longer too. I’m waiting for a little rain to wash the salt off the road too so my boat doesn’t look like my car when I put it back away. The water is a little too high and the current too swift for me to get too excited about the boat yet. Plus the best shore fishing is still to come. My boat will be in the water on a regular basis once the out-of-towners think the run is over. See you all out there soon!

    Milwaukee, WI
    Posts: 160

    Actually made it over to the Rock last Thursday and got to wet a line for a couple hours. Nothing doing though. Hey Databoy, some of out-of-towners are smart enuff to know there are walleye in the system year round. Oops, I hope I didn’t let the secret out.
    I read a little about the fishing ban. I’d miss it, but I’m sure OshKosh won’t mind my money being spent there instead of Fort. It would be sad after making the trips for the last 22 years. Oh well. Que Sera, Sera…

    Still waiting to make that trip with you Jeff…….Lunch and beer on me.

    Gregg Pfeifer
    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 889

    Sorry HW, I guess I should have been more PC and called that roaming swarm of fishing people nomadic instead of out-of-towners. The water is getting higher and flooding out most good shore spots so I’m calling it quits already until the waters start to back back down.

    Kelly Jordan
    Fort Atikinson,Wisc
    Posts: 327

    just tell the outta towner /nomadic fishing folk that the walleyes ran under the ice this yr,they spawned early,lol

    Milwaukee, WI
    Posts: 160

    Anything but PC!!!! Unfortunately i’m one of those that think the run is never over, so I keep going and going and going. With the price of gas, my trips will start to decline. Still love coming to Fort for a day of sitting on a bucket and watching the squirrels swim across the river.

    Kelly Jordan
    Fort Atikinson,Wisc
    Posts: 327

    being a shore only guy for now(looking to change that for next yr)looking to hit the river hard,starting with walleyes,tho i think i catch more carp at times,lol then whitebass,then my fav of all,walking the wall with small ice fish bobber,a leech,for cats ,then again any fishing with a bobber is way cool

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