November Fishing Reports

  • diesel
    Menomonee Falls, WI
    Posts: 1020

    Nuff said

    Looks like that new rig has Jeff back in form!

    Well Done.

    Z-Man we have to team up to counter these posts!!

    Posts: 66

    WOW !! What a great catch !! Congrads

    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 1440

    I think that’s trick photography,…easy to doctor anything up now-a-days. Good to see that your time on the wa-wa paid off, Jeff. when’s it gonna be my turn?

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    My friend Doug made it out on windy Wednesday and ended up with his limit. Doug your just getting to be a natural at this vertical jigging stuff. I would bet money on he used nuckle ball jigs Great job

    Posts: 66

    Great Catch !! The only Jig out there that has this type of payback is the Nuckle Ball Jig, Right Jeff? hehehehehehe

    Menomonee Falls, WI
    Posts: 1020

    Will be heading out tomorrow for a couple hours in the morning. Anyone going out or is everyone chasing bambi now?

    Good, more fish for me (OK no smart comments, Jeff)


    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    I’ll be chasing Bambi. I’ll save the chalk.

    Menomonee Falls, WI
    Posts: 1020

    Managed to get out this morning. Launched in Fort at 630 and putzed around. One boat out before me and when I left at 1030 there were only three boats in the area. Fished the usual spots, the bark for an hour hard without a bit. Moved around and just like I was told from 815 to about 830 the fish turned on then turned off. Got two fish, both legal 16 and 18.5. The other boat that was in the area grabbed three legal at the same time then all stopped. The fish were there but the shut down. It was amazing. One fish was on the dead stick with a minnow and the other was a chartruese ringworm. Not only did both fish hit hard but they enhaled the baits. I mean the hook was in the back of the mouth and the zone-r was barely out. Needless to say the bigger fish nailed the plastic.

    So the skunk if FINALLY out of the boat for the rock. Water temp was 38. I even have pics to prove it IF I HAVE TO.


    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 1440

    Glad to see the skunk gone, Diesel. You fished in some tought conditions today. That’s one nice theing about the rock, though…even with high winds, you can always find someplace manageable to drown minnows.
    I hit the Big Pond for Browns yesterday, and stayed home and caught up on the honey-do list today. Off next week, so will try to fish somewhere Monday or Tuesday, and family time rest of week.

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    Yes we want pictures. Pictures are all ways great. Diesel

    good to hear you caught fish. Chalk one up for Derek

    My other buddy was out there in a small Red Lund with white trolling with three guys in the boat. When I talked to him at 1:00 his team had 4. He said just what you said.

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    Well if Diesel wouldn’t put a picture up I will. Time to start fishing again bambi is down and ready for ground

    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 1440

    Wow! Looks as big as a cow. Nice going, and good luck with the fish.

    Menomonee Falls, WI
    Posts: 1020


    What a tough crowd. I guess Jeff just won’t believe me .
    Here is a pic of the fish before they met the electric fillet knife. (I almost forgot how to used that thing on walleye ) The other is, well let’s just say it is complicated. My two and half year old liked getting splashed by the fish in the livewell so I pit them in a cooler for him to play with.

    Yeah yeah yeah.

    It is all part of a bigger plan. Brain washing the boy so that WE can get more fishing time and a new boat.

    So far it is working


    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    Derek thanks for the pic’s. Good to SEE you caught fish for dinner. Anglers that drive all the way here like you do should be reward by some fish.

    Gregg Pfeifer
    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 889

    Jeff, it looks like that one is going to be a little hard to fillet! Did your boat take water while netting it? Where’s the orange though? Just a word of caution, a friend’s dad was shot and killed a few years ago because he took his coat off while dressing his deer and was mistaken by another hunter as a deer. I’m glad to see you got that out of the way and can get back to fishing Can I put my order in for some jerky? I just got back from an hour of shore fishing downtown without a bite. I talked to another guy that was down there since 7:30 and saw one fish caught so I took a little drive and saw a guy in a Yarcraft. It looked like he tried to set a hook as I was driving by but wiffed. There were at least a half dozen boats between 106 and the Bark.

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    The orange I just took off so it didn’t get full of blood. The guy who took the picture had full orange on and standing by me so no one would shoot me on PRIVATE LAND

    The guy in the Yar Craft was EZ. He must of not caught any fish or he would of put up a report by now.

    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 1440

    Your right, Jeff. No eyes caught between downtown, and 106 bridge. So I trailered the boat over to Blackhawk about 1pm, and immediately headed up to a couple stretches above the bypass. Proceeded to put 14 eyes and sauger in the boat in one area, including 3 legals, and mis-netted a nice fat sauger that kept jumping away from the net… this time, all the bigger fish came on jig/fathead. But the trick is, gotta use my home-made Erie style stand-up jig, Painted Chicago Bears orange/blue.(too bad the Bears suck this year ) Some of the smaller eyes and several nice whitebass came on my favorite paddletail. And then there’s the usual thrill from an ugly carp. Had that happen twice .
    Will catch up on pics later…this thread, and the lake MI brown/eyes from few days ago.
    That will be it for fishing for me for a while. Family time for the next few days.

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    Thanks for the report Ed, good to hear you found fish. Did you hear me honk when I drove by?

    Menomonee Falls, WI
    Posts: 1020

    Will be getting out in the AM Friday or Sat. Anybody going?

    Happy Thanksgiving to all of the Rock River crew!


    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    Brrrrrrrrrrrrr Not at 18 degress

    Actualy I’m going hunting with 6 pairs of hand warmers and if I make it to 8:00am I’ll be doing good.

    Gregg Pfeifer
    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 889

    I’m with you man, but at least it’s not too windy. On my way into work I noticed the ponds and even Red Cedar Lake are frozen over. And, believe it or not, there were guys out ice fishing on University Bay on Lake Mendota. Tis the season to keep a rod in the car though and make a few shore casts here and there. I’ll wait for those warmer days to get the boat back out, maybe we’ll hit the 50’s again like last December.

    Menomonee Falls, WI
    Posts: 1020

    Yeah saw the extended forecast and the boat will probably be put away.

    Gregg Pfeifer
    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 889

    Diesel, Happy Birthday you old fart! Actually, I guess I can’t call you that cuz I’m several years older Enjoy your birthday as much as you can without fishing, maybe you should treat yourself to something at Gander Mountain or Cabelas.

    Menomonee Falls, WI
    Posts: 1020

    Thanks Greg,

    38 and counting . I keep telling my wife that my knees are feeling the age and fishing keeps me young. Her reply “your life insurance is paid up right

    I would rather spend it on the water but I can earn some points by not fishing on my b-day. I will definitely cash them in later.


    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    Happy B-day Derek

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    Anybody make it out on weekend? I did notice the river was full of boats on Sunday.

    My boat is on it’s first proccess to getting winterized.

    Two weeks left to getting one more Buck. 130 class or higher only.

    Menomonee Falls, WI
    Posts: 1020

    Nope, was winterizing Sunday and planning a trip to the repair shop for some maintenance that has been overdue.

    A lot of wind Sunday.

    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 1440

    Just got back yesterday from a few days out of town with family, and was hoping to see a bunch of favorable reports. Can’t say I blame you guys for not getting out in the cold weather we had , and ain’t looking good for the next week or more, either. so here’s a shot of last Monday’s catch to keep our hopes up. Thought I posted this pic last week before I left,along with the ones on my Lake MI post, but must have exited before pressing the submit key Anyway, I’m not a hard water guy, so going to get the 12 ft. winter boat ready to go, just in case we have some more open water opportunity in next few weeks.
    And last, but not least, Happy B-day, Derek. Did you ask the wife for that 18 ft. Alumacraft yet??Or will it come neatly wrapped under the Christmas tree this year?

    Menomonee Falls, WI
    Posts: 1020

    Interestingly enough she was looking at the 17 or 18 foot alumnacraft Trophy at Cabela’s this weekend and kept talking about how much she liked it.

    Isn’t that what Jeff is driving now?

    Posts: 241

    Was out on Saturday 10-3 between the Bark and 106 bridge.
    Very slow. Only had 4 bites…caught 3 Saugers. 15-1/2, 16,17 I can post the picture later. 11 fow on the break lines.

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