June Eyes

  • z-man
    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 1440

    Well, got the priorities straightened out yesterday, and made it out for what was one of the nicest afternoons around here in a while…no wind, no rain, decent temps…and the best of all…the fish were hungry. I seemed to recall that some local wise man once said “when the water’s up, fish the river” , so launched at Blackhawk and up-river I went, starting at the VFW. First 2 drifts yielded 5 fish, albeit not the species I was looking for….1 catfish, two white bass, a carp, and a goat…so down to the next stop in my milk run, the stink pipe. The concrete wall was under a foot of water… did 4 drifts in this area,vertical jigging different depths, and pulled out another white bass, a dink eye, and another goat. Pitched into the wood some, but nada there. But then my luck changed in the next spot near the by-pass, with this nice 19 inch eye that devoured a chartreuse pepper ringworm in 6 fow on the first drift. Picked two other small eyes before setting up for another drift. To make a long story short, picked up another dozen or so in several drifts, all in 5 to 6 fow, and most on the ringie, although a crawler/jig got a couple. Decided to leave these fish to try the mouth of Kosh before calling it quits. got a couple there, and lost a legal at the net, but that was it. Packed it up reluctantly, knowing that this was going to be it for a while, as heading out of town on Saturday.

    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 1440

    Oops…had to resize the photo….

    Mantorville, MN
    Posts: 3666


    What is a “Goat”. I have never heard that one before

    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 1440

    It’s a term of endearment for sheephead, that I learned from Diesel…

    Menomonee Falls, WI
    Posts: 1020

    well done master!!!!

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    I’m back from my Eagle River outing

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    Watch for my report on fish like this.

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842

    How come you didn’t call while you were up here!!!


    Menomonee Falls, WI
    Posts: 1020

    He was too busy catching footballs

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    I have tennis elbow from catching those footballs. Check out my report at the entrance.

    Menomonee Falls, WI
    Posts: 1020

    May get out tomorrow evening after work. Anybody else planning on getting out to play?


    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 1440

    Managed to get out for a few hours yesterday afternoon on a solo trip, and launched at Blackhawk Island at about 2. Did my ritual milk-run starting down from VFW and finishing at the mouth. It was slow, and could not find any concentration of fish or definite pattern. Managed to pick away at some fish thru the late afternoon into evening, and ended up with 8 eyes, couple whitebass, and a goat. Lost a few other fish I never did get to see…probably slobasaurus walleye, no doubt. Only had three crawlers with me….rest had molded, unbeknownst to be until I opened them….so relied on the hardly-ever failing plastics to get me thru the day. Here’s a shot of the two eaters in the mix, a 16 inch eye, and a 17 inch sauger, both caught in 6 fow, down from the tavern launch. Even the little dinks were inhaling these things, a Chartreuse pepper ringworm, and a pre=rigged original Mister Twister. The river was nice and empty, with only a handfull of fishing boats enjoying the quiet evening. Hard to believe what a zoo this place turns into on weekends.

    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 1440

    Well, last June outing on the Rock for this guy happened this afternoon, and got my hat handed to me. Slowwww. One dink, several fish on but lost before I saw them….2 goats, and my first Rock muskie…a 24 incher that slammed a plastic bait in 6 fow. That’s all folks. Next few outings probably on the Big Pond.

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