February “Rock’in”

  • z-man
    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 1422

    OK Just had to break the ice here, to try to get this thread warmed up, before the eyes go on their March feeding frenzy.. Looks like we might have some relative newcomers to the Rock postings, so looking forward to sharing some good fish stories…hopefully soon! And they don’t even need to be true! Such as the one about Diesel eating gobies cuz the Brown Trout wouldn’t cooperate??

    Menomonee Falls, WI
    Posts: 1020

    Gobie dipped in egg and rolled in Cajun Shore lunch. UMMMM yummie.

    Gotta try them smoked sometime

    Got some friends here a work trying to convince me to “teach” them about the Rock River. They even want to plan a trip together so they and learn the hazards. Man what are they think. Don’t they know that there are no fish in the Rock ?

    Only Carp and the paddletails that I threw in because they DO NOT WORK. Ain’t that right Z?

    Gotta burn the tax return now on more equipment for the “boy”. Ya know a one year old needs lots of equipment to practice with before he start dragging boards.

    May the Rock open soon with high water and safe fishing.

    Ahh the joys of summertime and watching people catch fish.


    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 1422

    You think them gobies are good, oughta try boiled mud puppies from Pool 4…just slap ’em on a bun like a hot dog. They got the gobies beat on size and ugly, too.
    Diesel…that open water shot sure looks good. Pretty soon, I hope. Rumor has it that the WI river at Petenwell dam off Hwy. 21 is wide open, and the walleye are hungry. Good place to hone your jigging skills while we’re waiting for the Dead Sea to open up.

    Jason Sullivan
    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 1383

    How does the spring Rock River bite compare to the Fox or Wolf? I’m new to exploring all these waters.

    I heard, as you mentioned, Rock is full of dead heads. Newbies beware.

    I heard the Fox had better trophy numbers than Wolf. Is that true?

    I heard Wolf is more congested, but is generally better on numbers.

    I’m curious what you guys know about these rivers.



    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 1422

    Jason….I can’t comment on the Fox because I avoid crowds like the plague. I Try to hit the wolf a few times a year in both spring and fall, and usually catch a respectable number of fish and bring home some limits of eaters, which over there are often 13 to 15 inch fish. Being that the Rock is close to home, I tend to put in more time there than any other body of water. My assessment is that the Rock is capable of putting some good numbers in the boat, with some good quality fish as well. But there are days where you can’t buy a fish, too. As for numbers, not as good or consistent as the Wolf in my experience, but as for quality, as good or better. Navigation wise, I’d say the Rock is tougher, but once you get to know it, not so bad. There are still areas I stay away from due to higher frequency of hazards, but there’s still plenty of river and lake to fish away from these zones. That’s my 2 cents…others may have more to say. Don’t overlook the Wisconsin….50 to 100 fish days in the boat are not uncommon, except that there may only be a handful or two of legals in the bunch…fun time, though. The dams get very crowded, but there are areas away from them that are less congested. Good luck.

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