Rock River Spring Walleye River 2003

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  • jeff-patrick
    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    Hi Anglers, once again it will be time for the spring walleye run. Just writing about the walleye run on this post gets me all excited. I hope it gets you guys going to. I start watching everyday from now threw February for the ice to break up and go down river. I’ll make sure when this happens I will post. There has been years when I was out fishing by valentine’s day. So cross your fingers, maybe it will be one of those years. When the ice does break up you can count on me being the first anglers fishing and dodging ice bergs and catching walleyes and saugers. The Rock River has been producing a great sauger population from 15″ to 18″ class range the last couple of years, THANKS to the Rock River fish hatchery. One of my favorite spots to try when the ice breaks is east of Fort Atkinson by the 106 bridge. My favorite techniques is vertical jigging. Most of the time you also have to slip the current with your trolling motor to keep your line vertical and make sure you have contact with the bottom. To some of you anglers that don’t no what slipping the current is reply to me and I would be happy to explain. My favorite jig to use this time of year is Zone-R 3/8oz glow green made by fin-tech. Live bait I use is fatheads, but when there on a good bite I like to use a three inch shinner. One of the key points is to make sure you use a stinger hook. As time goes on and it gets closer to the ice breaking up, which could be anytime now. I will post some more key spots to fish and what to use and of course the techniques to use them. Until then, you all take care and be safe. Oh yeh Don’t forget about the Great Koshkonong Bounty Hunt Fisheree and Raffle February 2 a chance to catch a couple of taged $10,000 fish. Jeff Patrick (A.K.A Bola) Best Outfitter Last Angler

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Hey Jeff

    I’m wondering about the depth and size of the Rock River since I’ve never been there. How large a boat can you fish from? I see yo uhave your alumacraft 16′ for sale in the classifieds so I’m assuming a guy can get on the water with a pretty big rig. Are the landings numerous and good enough to launch a boat like my 18′ C-liner?

    I’m sure I’ll get to know your body of water much better from your posts to come over the next season but that’s the first couple of questions that hops to my mind.

    Thanks much BOLA!

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    Hi James, as far as size of the Rock River, well its not the size of the Mississippi River I can tell you that. But it is a nice size river and your 18′ C-Liner will work great I see 20′ rigs all the time. Just a reminder the water is the lowest that it has been for 25 years. So you have to be careful and I recommend the first time to make sure you fish with someone that’s knows the river or get a guide when the water is so low. When the water is back to normal or high level you can go anywhere with no worries. I will keep all you anglers up to date on the water level. The average depht is 6′ to 10′ and some nice areas up to 12′ to 20′. Thanks James that was a awesome question you pointed out. The boat launch I use when I fish the east side of Fort Atkinson is at the north end of Fort Atkinson across from K-mart. It can hold up to 20 rigs and the launch is good. There is another launch downtown Fort Atkinson by the main st. bridge. that can hold up to 25 rigs and the launch is also good. Both of these launches are FREE. From Fort Athinson to lake Koshkonong there is one more boat on Blackhawk Island at the Riverfront Bar & Resort there is a fee there for $3.00 they are also helpful for info. You can always call head and ask them about conditions.(920)563-2757

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    Hi Anglers, here are a few events that are going on in February which I will be attending. I hope you guys can make them also. In Fort Atkinson Wisconsin on Saturday February 1, 2003 which is the correct date, The Great Koshkonong Bounty Hunt Fisheree & Raffle on Lake Koshkonong in Jefferson County & Rock County & Dane County whatever which way you come from. This lake is so big it covers three County. So if you like to ice fish and want a chance at a $10,000 tag fish, which there are two at that price, this is where you should be. Then starting Friday February 21 thur 23 is the Madison Wisconsin Fishing Expo in Dane County. You can’t miss this one, it’s awesome. While your there stop in and see me at the Fin-tech Tackle Booth Friday or Saturday and I will show you some great jigs and plastic and some trick techniques to use them to catch more fish. Bola <

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Thanks Jeff. I have never been out in your direction so I have no point of reference. Sounds like a fairly decent sized river and I’ve seen you pics from trips. Lots of nice fish.

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    Hi James, actually the Rock River that I guide and fish now and know the best is about a 30 mile stretch and on a average is about 200 yards wide that flows into Lake Koshkonong and where the Rock River flows OUT of the lake I also know and fish another 10 mile stretch. I have really been tossing and turning this around in my head and this is what I came up with. I hope James that you and all the other anglers out there get a good description from this. BOLA

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    Hi Anglers, No parties here. All frozen up, and water conditions very low. The low water will make fishing hard and dangerous this year. Check out this web-site on Lake Koshkonong. web page

    Please let me know what you guys think. Any help would be appreciated Thanks BOLA

    Jeff Patrick

    Best Outfitter Last Angler

    Fin-tech Pro Staff

    EFN Field Staff

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    Hi Anglers, I know it’s cold and most everything is frozen up around here but we must get some conversation going on this forum. Don’t forget the GREAT KOSHKONONG BOUNTY HUNT FISHEREE & RAFFLE this Saturday Feb 1. if you need more info let me know. BOLA

    Jeff Patrick
    Best Outfitter Last Angler
    Fin-tech Pro Staff
    MW Marine Pro Staff
    EFN Field Staff

    Koshkonong WI.
    Posts: 4

    I’d like to begin by saying this is a very well formatted website.
    I have been fishing the Rock River from Watertown to Indianford and Its tributaries as well as Lake Koshkonong for about 20 years. I also fish the Mississippi and Wisconsin via
    Wyalusing state park for at least one week each year.
    And have fished most of the waters in WI. at one time or another for one species or another. And My favorite walleye waters for spring
    are rite here at home on the rock. I fish the rock for for
    every species it will give up, and there are many. The diversity in this river is excellent. And when the walleyes arent on the bite its just a matter of changeing rigging and
    your into White Bass, Cats, or Pike ect. I have created an informational web page wich has been running for a few years now, Not in general about the rock and fishing but
    it does contian some good mapping and fishing links as well as area info. The website is very large and may take a while
    to load on a dialup. I look forward to to posting future catches
    and will also post some recent ones. And thanks to Jeff P. for all he has posted this far, just as I thought I new it all about the Rock Jeff has added more. Great fishing everyone!

    Lake Dweller AKA Editor at Koshkonong Views.

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    Hi Lake Dweller, Good to see that you found your way here. Stay in touch. BOLA

    Jeff Patrick
    Best Outfitter Last Angler
    Fin-tech Tackle Co. Pro Staff
    M W Marine Pro Staff
    EFN Field Staff

    Koshkonong WI.
    Posts: 4

    The Rock-Koshkonong Lake District will be holding a meeting,
    there will be a possible vote to formaly request a change in the DNRs Dam operating orders. The Day, Febuary 3rd. The Time, 6:30 PM. The Place, The Red Apple Supper Club in Newville.

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    Thanks for the update Lake Dweller, I’m sorry I will not beable to make it. Please keep us all in the loop. ANGLERS watch for some pictures and the results of the Great Koshkonong Bounty Hunt on Monday or Tuesday. BOLA

    Jeff Patrick
    Best Outfitter Last Angler
    Rock River Guide Service
    Fin-tech Tackle Pro Staff
    M W Marine Pro Staff
    EFN Field Staff

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    Hi Anglers, I hope you all had a great weekend. I do know that there are still lots of walleyes, northern pike, perch and crappies still left in the Rock River and Lake Koshkonong after the fisheree Saturday. Not to bad of a turn out but fishing was tough. First prize for Northern Pike went to Nick Rohloff with a 32 1/4 incher at 8.70 lbs. In the walleye class first prize went to Robert Buonincontro with a 17 1/2 incher at 1.83 lbs. Now remember pool 4 anglers this is not the Mississippi River, I was happy just to see some anglers bring fish in. The big perch winner went to Bill Becker with a 11 3/4 incher at 1.01 lbs, WOW this perch all most beat out the walleye Then last of all the crappie class went to a friend of mine Bobby Wallace with a 12 incher at 1.19 lbs. BOLA

    Jeff Patrick

    Best Outfitter Last Angler

    Fin-tech Tackle Pro Staff

    M W Marine Pro Staff

    EFN Field Staff

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    Northern Pike Winner

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    Walleye Winner, I know it’s a sauger I wasn’t the judge.

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    Hi Anglers, I thought I would tried to brighten up your day. Here is a picture of a walleye that you can look forward to this spring catching if using the right techquines on the Rock River, which spring is right around the corner. BOLA

    PS. If you need to see more pictures to bighten your day just let me know

    Jeff Patrick

    Best Outfitter Last Angler

    Fin-tech Tackle Pro Staff

    M W Marine Pro Staff

    EFN Field Staff

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    Oh did I hear someone wanted more pictures to bighten there day well here you go BOLA

    Northwest Illinois
    Posts: 1251

    O.K. Jeff, now your killin’ me. What type areas do you fish in the spring on the rock. I live near the lower Rock, and have fished a couple times in spring below the Rock Falls, Il. dam. Cant fish the tailwaters, only 1-3′ of water for the first couple hundred yards. The success I have had has come from a small, mid channel 12-15′ hole, but it recieves a lot of pressure. Do you look for gravel bars, holes, current breaks, or all of the above?!?! Ice is usually out of the Rock here a little sooner than the Big Muddy, so I have to give it a shot this spring if things work out. Thanks in advance for any pointers!

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    Hi Rooster, How are you doing buddy. I was wondering when I was going to get someone to bite Sounds like your doing lots of right things, but the fishing pressure has you shut down. But you still can catch those stubborn eyes. Many times I have went right behind anglers and pulled in nice eyes. Durning the spring and fall runs you have to get used to fishing pressure. I go to my confidence jig the Zone-R by Fin-tech Tackle Co. When I fish in 10 to 15 holes 3/8oz glow/green works best for me with four pound fireline by berkley and stinger hooks are a must. Its key to make sure you find the channel also, there is times when they move up in the shallows to. But when I stick to the channels with some gravel in it or rocks, I’m CPRing lots of eyes just like this picture I have attached. Rooster if you can make it to the Madison Fishing Expo Feb,21 & 22 stop by the Maynard Tackle and Fin-tech Tackle booth. Booth # 109 & 110, I will talk to you some more about the Rock River. Bola

    Jeff Patrick

    Best Outfitter Last Angler

    Fin-tech Tackle Pro Staff

    M W Marine Pro Staff (Alumacraft Boats)

    EFN Field Staff

    Still a sad angler

    Northwest Illinois
    Posts: 1251

    Hey Jeff,
    I believe I will try to make it up there for the show. I missed our big show at Moline this year, so have an empty spot in my gut yet! Waiting to get out is murder. Had knee surgery in Dec, been out of commision since early Nov., so I missed a great deal of the really good fishing here on the Miss. I know the Rock in this area has a good population of ‘eyes, and is very underfished for them. Most everyone here thinks of the Rock as stricktly a catfishing river. It is fantastic for catfish, but I caught some nice eyes a couple of times while soaking a night crawler on a Carolina rig for cats. Is there a particular season or river level that you know would send walleyes to the DEEP holes? I know of two large, deep holes in my area that run in the 20-30 ft. range. One on a sharp outside bend, the other at the convergence of a split in the river below an island. I have thought both may well hold walleyes as well as catfish that I have caught there, but have these areas are a long ways from any access and I would lilke to pinpoint a “best guess” time to try some eye fishing there. Any ideas?
    I hope I am able to make it up to the show, would love to learn much more about fishing the rock. It is very underfished in our region for anything but cats and maybe smallies.
    Thanks for any info. This thread will pick up over time, as you are doing a great job of “baiting” us curious anglers! I will spread the word to several people I know with interest in the Rock.

    Koshkonong WI.
    Posts: 4

    I just had to break in and say, Those are some nice fish you
    posted Jeff!!! I look forward to more of that type of behavior.
    Cant wait untill ice out!!!
    I finished the bounty hunt photo page and reconfigured
    a new more accurate map for Koshkonong, if anyone
    would like to see some more photos.
    The photos and map can be viewed at
    Lake Dweller AKA Editor at Koshkonong Views.

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    Hi Rooster, I think we talked before about him Denny Jones. Didn’t you say you new him? And as far as where you are fishing in your part of the river. You cant beat those deep holes as long as they are holding bait fish. You didn’t actually tell me what kind of bottom. But if it has any kind of structure like wood, gravel, rock, sudden breaks or edges, your in the right place. Work on different techquinces. BOLA

    Jeff Patrick
    Best Outfitter Last Angler
    Fin-tech Tackle Pro Staff
    M W Marine Pro Staff (Alumacraft Boats)
    EFN Field Staff

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    Hi Aaron, Awesome work on your photo page. Thanks for the support and quality time together at the Bounty Hunt. I will be looking forward to some more this spring. Remember you said you would be my destinated driver when I would need one. I will hold you up on that. BOLA

    Jeff Patrick
    Best Outfitter Last Angler
    Fin-tech Tackle Pro Staff
    M W Marine Pro Staff (Alumacraft Boats)
    EFN Field Staff

    Northwest Illinois
    Posts: 1251

    Hey Jeff,
    Thanks again. I can’t wait to hit one of those holes. It is right on shore. Bow of the boat on land and sonar reads 16-18″. On the inside of the hole, there is a large shelf of rock at about 15′, then drops to 30′ and full of junk in the bottom of the hole. Never fished the deepest part for cats much because you can’t get them up out of there without bringing a tree or two up with them. I bet that shelf of rock is a walleye magnet, now that I think about it!
    Come on Spring!!!!

    Jefferson, WI
    Posts: 1

    BOLA, once again you were right. I am impressed with this sight. I look forward to reading your reports. Keep up the great work, Thanks

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    Welcome aboard Dark Brown. I’m glad you found your way. Any time you need some help, I’m there for you buddy Now I just got to get the rest of the anglers that follow my post to switch over here. Bola

    Best Outfitter Last Angler
    Fin-tech Tackle Pro Staff
    M W Marine Pro Staff (Alumacraft Boats)
    EFN Field Staff

    Posts: 348

    bola, thanks for informing me on this great site

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    Welcome aboard Lundmann23, make sure you update your profile, we have no secerts on this site. If you need help let me know. BOLA

    Best Outfitter Last Angler
    Fin-tech Tackle Pro Staff
    M W Marine Pro Staff (Alumacraft Boats)
    EFN Field Staff

    Posts: 348

    hey bola, i can’t figure out how to set up my profile. just let me know how to set it up. i have no secrets. thanks lundmann23 aka gillboy

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