They’re Back

  • dennyj4
    Posts: 66

    When asking about the dogfish, I forgot to say how the rest of my day went. My two son’s and I got on the water at blackhawk about 9:30 a.m. Saturday morning. We were using the green glow nuckle ball jigs with real big fathead minnows. We had a pretty good day on the eyes. We caught eight walleyes from 14″ to 23 “. I kept 4 walleyes that were 16″ to 17″ for supper and released the rest including the 23” walleye. We also caught two nice size northerns, two huge carp and of course the 1 dogfish. We had a great day on the water and catching a few fish was an added bonus.Hope to see you on the water. Denny

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Nice one Denny!

    Winona, MN
    Posts: 81

    Great to see the rock giving up some nice eye’s. i know
    exactly where your fishing as i lived in Byron for a number
    of years. below oregon dam is also good this time of year.

    Sparta, WI
    Posts: 9361

    Very nice eye Denny. Sounds like you had a funfilled day

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    Nice fish Denny, I thought that was you on Saturday but I wasn’t sure. Sorry I didn’t say anything, sometimes I’m kind of shy if I’m not sure who anglers are so I clam up until they break the ice.

    Just one question Denny, How did you find this site? and welcome aboard. Your reports are always welcome.

    I know how you found out about those great jigs you use.

    Posts: 66

    Jeff, I found out about this site when you first started postings. You told me about it way back when.

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