October Reports – Rock River

  • diesel
    Menomonee Falls, WI
    Posts: 1020

    Well here we are in October (yeah a little late) and since no one has posted from the past weekend I assume that everyone had a slow day.

    Here is my report from the past weekend. Got on the Rock River at Blackhawk Island at about 130 ish and jigged with minnows and crawler. Water temp was from 62 to 67. Fished 4 to 7 feet of water with one small walleye at the sand mud break. Several boats out including IDAers Databoy, Jags, and Bola. Most catching a few shorts here and there but not very often. After chatting and fishing near a few IDA friends I kinda followed Jeff up river. Sorry but I want to learn from the Master .

    Picked up a couple more short walleyes in the deeper hole by the power lines. Got an nice tap and immediately noticed the line went slack. It is amazing how instinct takes over. My thoughts “Holy slack line Batman!!! It’s a big one running on me!!! ” After a hookset to nail to jig in the fight began. I’m thinking, “Man what a nice walleye! She is holding deep.” I started to think, hum, something doesn’t feel right, then confirmed with a grey flash. OK a nice cat I can live with that. Then a jump, OK, nice Northern. Well after I got deslimed she measured about 30. Nice fish. No more bites after that.

    Since the sun was getting low I decide to revisit trolling on the lake. Headed into Kosh and trolled from about 5 unit dark. Picked up a 16 incher, about 6 dinks and lost another legal as I was taking a board off the line. Action was not fast but consistent enough to keep me interested. Still a novice as dragging board but is was nice to bring in my first legal on the board. Lake temp was 67. Speed 2.5 to 3 mph by GPS. Jointed firetiger shadrap.

    Good luck all.


    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 1422

    Thanks for the report, Diesel. Like I told you in the message, I made the mistake of hitting Lake Michigan on Sunday, in my buddy’s 16 ftr….seems that the waves were about that size, too. Had visions of you guys pounding the eyes, while I was bailing out water. Should-of, would-of, could-of gone to the Rock, but didn’t. Oh well…gonna try to get out soon, if I can ever get back home from this thing called work.

    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 1422

    Fished from noon till 5pm today, from powerlines down to kosh. Picked up several small eyes, all on jig/crawler, in 5 to 6 fow. No hits on minnows or plastic. No fish or hits in deeper water….tried the deep holes up from Riverfront, but nada. Water temp was 55, so seems to be cooling sown quick now….better days to come, let’s hope.

    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 1422

    Things been pretty quiet on this thread, so thought I’d try to jump-start it. Havent been out to the Rock, so no reports to post, but surely someone’s been out?? Also got to thinking about my last report of 55 degree water temp…..seemed too cold, as other local waters have still been around 60…maybe time for this guy to get his eyes checked? could have read 65?? I know, time for a brand new depth finder that has bigger digital readout…that’s it!

    Menomonee Falls, WI
    Posts: 1020

    I was gonna do the same thing to see if anyone has been out to check the water temp. Looks like I am not gonna make it out this weekend. Going out of town next week and got the inlaws coming in for the weekend to see the grandson. Plan to take my father in law next week out on the rock for walleyes or troll on Kosh. So any reports would be nice.

    Everyone can’t be hunting can they?


    Menomonee Falls, WI
    Posts: 1020

    Gregg Pfeifer
    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 889

    You didn’t miss anything. I was out Sunday from noon-4 and couldn’t buy a bite. I only saw 2 shorties caught all day, and that was when I first got out. I watched nearly a dozen boats and no one caught anything the last few hours.

    Menomonee Falls, WI
    Posts: 1020


    Here we are at the end of October and seems like not many fishing. Is hunting taking up so much time? Oh well, since I don’t hunt (yet) I guess I will keep on fishing

    Got to the KMart launch above Fort Atkinson to try some different water. But before I get to the report a word of warning. I do not advise using the ramp across from Kmart. They did remove the piece of rebar that was sticking up but what they failed to do was repair the ramp. They basically removed the section of the ramp that failed. So when you launch you boat drops in an 8 inch by 2 foot hole then back out. Then over the half section of concrete that is laying on the ramp. Not to mention that the iron screws, bolts and other rebar are exposed and may do some tire damage. I WILL NOT launch there again. Also be aware there is a log buried in the mud with about 8 inches sticking out like a harpoon. About 400 yards downstream from the ramp. Also there numerous partially submerged logs. AND some one was nice enough to mark a shallow spot in the river but upstream of the bridge with a metal fence pole about 5 feet above the water. It was maked with a plastic trash bag so others can see it.

    OK enough of the hazards of the Rock River .

    Got on the water at 830 only one other boat at the ramp. I am thinking cool!! After battling my trailer on the ramp I tied the boat up and hear water. I am think well my livewell is not on. Oh crap the drain plug is out!!!! Hopped in in time before the water was at the floor. Turned the bilge on and parked the truck. Amazing how fast and how much water can come in that little hole . After about 15 or 20 gallons I headed to the bark river. Using Chartuese glow jig and minnow, Black red jig/paddle tail and dead stick with a minnow. Had a short one on in 5 minutes. I thinking cool. Ten minutes later, 18 incher on the dead stick. Two more shorts on Jig/minnow and that was it. All fish caught by Bark river. No discernable break but bites came where baitfish were marked in about 10 to 12 fow. Pretty slow day but enough short bites to keep you interested. Even used a stinger hook but no help.

    Fished up at the narrow neck above the shore fishermen. Who by the way were getting some nice crappie. Also fished the hole by the bridge. Both too windy to fish.

    Tried this wood fishing thing and I must not be doing something right (as Jeff would as “as usual” ). All I caught was wood Did find some nice structure in the river i did not know about that would be good when there is current. A nice rock bar that comes up to 3 feet and surrounded by 6 feet.

    That is it left at 100 with the 18 incher as I promised my wife

    Conditions windy, water temp 46 to 48, sunny.

    Beautiful day.

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    I’m sorry Derek, I really thought they fixed the ramp. Next time launch downtown Fort by the water Dept, it’s a short ride, but beware of the rock right off the launch about ten yards.

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