Blue/Green Algae on Kosh

    Fort Atkinson , WI
    Posts: 281

    According to a toxicologist with the DNR ( Elisabeth Harrahy ,Phd ) in a sample taken from Kosh on 6/29/05 it is very likely that BGA cell count is in excess of the World Health Orginizations guidelines of 100,000 cells per ml.

    This particular strain of BGA is actualy a photosynthetic bacteria that thrives in low water, lots of sunlight and high temps.
    Swimming or recreating in water that looks like pea soup is not recomended due to health concerns.
    Letting pets or livestock play/drink this water is not recomended either.
    This algae is usualy not eaten by fish or other aquatic animals and apparently of little benefit as oposed to true algae.
    It also has the potential for a fish kill due to it decreasing oxygen levels when it dies off.

    Bottom line , don’t swim in this stuff. Don’t let the kids play around with or in this stuff either. Be sure to shower up good after being out there be it on the beach , boating or whatever.

    To quote Don Bush WDNR fish biologist for the lower Rock River Basin.
    ” As long as it’s ( BGA )running down the system, it does’nt start getting green. ” When flows are low , the water behind the dam stagnates and allows the algae to really start cooking out there. “

    Translation – If there were more water in the system ( higher lake/river level ) then more of this BGA would be flushed downstream due to the increased flow.
    Granted we’re in the middle of quite the dry stretch here but if the water level would’nt have been allowed to drop so low in the first place , at least there would be some shot a keeping the water flow going at a higher rate instead of being basicaly stagnant which it is now.

    I don’t mean to sound all doom and gloom here. Kosh/RR has had blooms for years and the sun still rose the next day but what’s it going to take for the powers that be to wake up and do somthing about better managing water levels on Kosh and the Rock ? For people to start getting sick ? A major fish kill ? If I did’nt know any better , it would appear the DNR does’nt want folks to use Kosh or the river.

    I’ll get off my soapbox now. I don’t mean to harp or rave on like a loon but I’m sick and tired of this low water BS. Anyone else ?

    Janesville, WI.
    Posts: 859

    Geeman, the low water problem is as you know a pretty sticky point on Koshkonong. As of right now the water level in kosh is at 776.14 – the target summer level is 776.20. I agree that the water level should be raised in the future but right now it isnt so much the level as it is the non flow issue I think. I personally think the RKLD is doing a great job since taking over the Indianford Dam both with improvements and the water level issues that they continue to address aggressively.

    The lower Rock river is terrible too, about the only real flow is the discharge coming from the wastewater treatment plant, which by the way, is a pipe that is normally way under the water level and is now exposed due to water level. Even with the rain we had the level continues to drop.

    Fort Atkinson , WI
    Posts: 281

    And getting stickier by the day ! LOL

    I’m with you , I’m %110 behind the RKLDs handling of things so far. It just rips me that the DNR seems to be stonewalling thier ( RKLD ) efforts at raising the water level another 7″. I was’nt impressed with the DNRs assessment of things when they had thier iformational meeting in January. A LOT of ” We think ? ” this is how this or that is going to turn out type statements.
    If anything ( fishing wise especialy ) I’ve found things to be quite the opposite of what they had to say. Winter fishing was supposed to be better while summer fishing was suposed to slack off some according to the DNR. I did VERY well on the river this spring and have caught a few nice fish this summer too = there are fish here. But last winters icefishing on Kosh was pathetic for me. Perhaps that’s an indication of a lack of skill on my part but in years previous I’ve done very well out there through the ice.

    I guess if they had held back more water during the spring perhaps the flow/BGA problem would have been somwhat delayed ? Dunno , Do know , I have been hitting stuff on the river in places I never had to worry about before.

    Janesville, WI.
    Posts: 859

    I know what you mean about hitting stuff, I nailed a full size picnic table umbrella! Have you been on Kosh lately fishing? I had planned on going today, Monday and Wednesday but I might move to a different lake if need be.

    Fort Atkinson , WI
    Posts: 281

    Last I was on Kosh was 4 weeks ago. The water was still relatively clear then. Little Northerns some whitebass and one walleye is all I got. FUN, but no keeper eyes. Had a friend go out there last week trolling. LOTS of green stuff hangin on the cranks he said.

    I’ve been fishin the river lately early ams until the jet ski/pleasure boat zoo revs up. 2 weeks ago I got a 25 and 27 1/2″ walleye – released. Got zip last wknd in a couple hours. Will give er a go this wknd for sure.
    I’m kinda looking forward to the deep gill bite on Rock Lake. That should be starting soon if it has’nt already.

    Janesville, WI.
    Posts: 859

    White Bass are going nuts right now! Found schools in shallow water chasing minnows!

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