Tuesday Report

  • jeff-patrick
    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    Here’s just a sample of what my Tuesday report will look like.

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    Just one more teaser

    Fishing Machine
    Lansing, Ia
    Posts: 810

    Ohh my soul. You do have some cool fish there Jeff.

    Menomonee Falls, WI
    Posts: 1020

    Looking forward to a report from you Jeff. I plan to head out sat morning or evening depending on the weather and the report.

    By the way nice eyes.


    Posts: 92

    Whoa daddy, couple of nice ones there. Were those found in the main lake, or on the ends of the lake? Congrats on your (once again) mastering the species.

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    Check out my new report and it will give you all the anwsers you need.

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