Well, managed to get out today from 7 am till 1pm, and what a gem it was.
A bit on the nippy side first thing, but things warmed up quick, and so did the fishing. Started by hitting the holes from Bypass to VFW, a run and gun type vertical jigging…no hits, then on to the next hole. So after no success we blew down to the mouth and jigged from downstream of the power lines to the lake, and still no hits. Started a little higher on the next drift, and started to get some hits and fish. Most action came in 9 fow just down from lines…boated 6 small eyes, 13 to 14 inches, and lost a few others plus missed hits. I was giving equal time to plastics and minnow, and partner only minnow. The ringworm and paddle tail got equal action this am….the hits were aggressive. But after a few drifts and small fish, we continued upstream in search of a few eaters. Just before pulling off, hit a hole near the launch, and within 10 minutes, had a nice 18inch sauger, and a 16 inch walleye, plus little guys, and had to call it a day…..boat partner and I figured the wives had to know by now that we were gone, so back home we went to give the honey-do list some attention. This was one of those bonus November days, weatherwise, and hoping for more to come. Oh yeah, switched over to a crawler for a bit, and immediately got a 12 lb. carp, so back to the minnows after being sidetracked about 10 minutes trying to salvage my jig. Great fighters, though…