Teach me O wise ones

  • jags
    Posts: 92

    I plan on hitting the Kosh this sat, but I am a greenhorn kosh fisherman. Looking for an attack plan. I love to c and r, but I am taking aim at a couple of 17″ (walleye) for the pan. Thanks in advance for any helpfull hints, this is one of the most awsome forums I have seen.

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    jags, I would hit the Rock River first. Vertical jigging with plastics or fatheads. The part of the river where the river runs into the lake all the way up river to the town of Fort Atkinson. I been hunting so when the water temp was 55 the bite was slow. That was last Friday, I bet that the water temp is around 47 or cooler so that would mean to me the bite is on. If you can’t find the fish in the channel hit the shallow wood from 6 to 3 fow. I hope to be out soon but I have to pop a doe with my bow before gun season.

    Posts: 92

    Thanks for the info, I think a bucket full of fatheads might be right up my alley. Good Luck on popping your hood ornament.

    Janesville, WI.
    Posts: 859

    Make sure to get varying sizes of minnows. I had medium fats yesterday and had all small bites while another gent I spoke with had larges and was catching better fish. There will be a lot of traffic in the ol familiar spots, but look elsewhere as you will find them near wood and drop offs in depth. Hope you get a good meal!

    Posts: 92

    Thanks for the info Carpking. It will be duely noted into the captains log.

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    jags, one thing I forgot to say, Welcome aboard and don’t forget to check out these plastics from http://www.bfishntackle.com and these jigs from http://www.fin-techco.com the 3/8oz Zone-R is my favorite for the Rock. Pink/white black/red and glow/green are some of my favorite colors. And you can’t beat the 4″ ringworms in the purple with chart/tail from BfishN tackle. Good luck this weekend.

    Posts: 92

    Thanks again, and bfn tackle is already in my box (ringworms). I don’t have any fins (yet) but that will change. I have a fair amount of fishing under my belt, but this moving water still has me scratching my head from time to time. If you see a bass tracker (tourn v17)with a 70hp merc and 2 big guys in the boat, swing by and say hi. Hope to see ya on the water.

    Posts: 92

    Does Kosh have a slot limit or do they go by the standard rules of 15″ total of 5? I seem to have lost my wisc. dnr regs book.

    Janesville, WI.
    Posts: 859

    Standard 15 inch limit of 5. But you will never get anything that small!

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    Carpking you get that water temp yet?

    Janesville, WI.
    Posts: 859

    I will today…ha ha! I finally got electronics on boat again! Heading out right now in fact!

    Janesville, WI.
    Posts: 859

    Water temp….-4 degrees! Yep, thats what it read! I think I am going to have to go nuts on someone at Gander Mountain!

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    Sorry to hear your having problems. Thats why I have all my work done at MW Marine. They do great work for me, I don’t care what other anglers say.

    Posts: 92

    Did make it out on Sat. but not much to talk about, other than the weather being perfect. Had one confirmed short hitter (only half a minnow came back) in the river. Didn’t talk to anyone that was doing well. It did seem that crawlers were the better producer over minnows on Sat. Had water temp from 44 to 46.

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    We went out Sunday and had a decent day, biggest was a 24 incher I CPR. Should have a report up by Wednesday, just can’t fine time right now to get it up earier.

    Posts: 92

    looking forward to hearing your report, comparing it to mine and figure out why I got skunked.

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    jags where are you?

    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 1442

    Well, managed to get out today from 7 am till 1pm, and what a gem it was. A bit on the nippy side first thing, but things warmed up quick, and so did the fishing. Started by hitting the holes from Bypass to VFW, a run and gun type vertical jigging…no hits, then on to the next hole. So after no success we blew down to the mouth and jigged from downstream of the power lines to the lake, and still no hits. Started a little higher on the next drift, and started to get some hits and fish. Most action came in 9 fow just down from lines…boated 6 small eyes, 13 to 14 inches, and lost a few others plus missed hits. I was giving equal time to plastics and minnow, and partner only minnow. The ringworm and paddle tail got equal action this am….the hits were aggressive. But after a few drifts and small fish, we continued upstream in search of a few eaters. Just before pulling off, hit a hole near the launch, and within 10 minutes, had a nice 18inch sauger, and a 16 inch walleye, plus little guys, and had to call it a day…..boat partner and I figured the wives had to know by now that we were gone, so back home we went to give the honey-do list some attention. This was one of those bonus November days, weatherwise, and hoping for more to come. Oh yeah, switched over to a crawler for a bit, and immediately got a 12 lb. carp, so back to the minnows after being sidetracked about 10 minutes trying to salvage my jig. Great fighters, though…

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    Thanks for the report Z-man, good to hear you caught fish. Today(Saturday) was not as fast action that I thought but did manage to get my limit of nice eater fish, nothing big but all from 15 to 18 inches. Some caught on plastic and live bait. Sunday bite should be better and will have report and pic’s by Tuesday. Ed you should listen to me and fish the east side.

    PS. Good to see you again Derek and to see you get some fish to take home to show your wife you really do go fishing . Next time you can take Pete, man did I handle that ok or what cya you soon

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