An appropriately late report from last Friday, 5/30. Been so busy this spring haven’t been fishing since ice season but finally got my spring project done and the weather looked to be good with light winds. After a few texts and phone calls, I got some intel on the bite, grabbed some jumbo leaches and night crawlers on the way home from work Friday morning. Launched at the bypass by 10am, started jigging in 12-15 fow, picked up a few short walleyes and a 7″ yellow bass. The wind picked up a little and I started dragging the bottom with the jigs, I picked up a pair of 17″ers, a walleye and a sauger then I hooked a bigger fish, fought well, pulling drag, and felt like head shakes, netted a nice 25-26″…….. sheepshead
The wind picked up after noon and made boat control a challenge so called it a day by 2pm. Was a good first day open water fishing for the year, had a good fish fry for the wife and I too.