Rock River/SE WI Ice Fishing GTG

  • prodrive-al
    Elkhorn, WI
    Posts: 182

    Just posting this up to gauge interest in having an ice fishing GTG, planning on Feb 8th somewhere on the southern half of lake Winnebago. This would be open to any fellow IDO’ers not limited to the Rock river bunch. I’ll be bringing a small grill and some Johnsonvilles and hot dogs along with some refreshments and a small jar of cherry bombs. Having only fished ‘bago twice before not exactly sure where we’ll go so open to suggestions. I’ll be running solo that day as my son has to work so prolly have room for one or two others if anyone would like to carpool. I guess just respond here if you’re interested in coming out and we’ll flesh out the details here over the next week or so.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13923

    I’m in I’ve been out of Merrit street in Oshkosh and doing ok. Mixed bag of perch, whitebass, and small walleyes – VERY SMALL walleyes.

    Gregg Pfeifer
    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 889

    I’d like to go too though I have a Ford Focus and no shelter so if it’s below 20 and windy I won’t be able to take it. I also just had foot surgery and on crutches for a few more days but hoping to be more mobile by then. How far out on the ice do you go? I’ve never fished there. What’s needed for fishing gear and bait? Let me know what I should bring for food/beverages otherwise I can bring cash to chip in. I’d be up for carpooling from the Fort area. I live by the corner of 12 & 26 by KFC and Quik Trip.


    Janesville, WI
    Posts: 402

    I’m checking my calendar. The site and the company sound great so count me in. I’ll check with my fishing buddies to see if they want in, too. I can drive, ‘though I’m not keen on driving on the lake since I have snowmobiles and a wheeler. Appears it’s going to be awhile until open water.

    Posts: 698

    Wow if I feel better may slip past the cheddar curtain. Chemo has messed me up bad this session but hoping to get back putting fun in functional.
    maybe we can sink the old Saturn Vue for structure or something.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13923

    Most likely I’ll be going solo, so I have room in the truck plus a two man flip – someone can jump in with me.
    As for gear –

    Locator – generally fishing 12 to 17 fow, anywhere from bottom to suspended fish.

    Most commonly targeted species is perch, eyes, whitebass.

    * Rapala jig raps in W3 to W5’s
    * Slendor Soons
    * Pimples, NT Forage spoons, Kast Masters….
    * jigs/spikes/waxies/plastics/minnows all have their moments

    Posts: 420

    I’m free that weekend. I would likely participate.

    For those concerned about driving, there are numerous clubs that maintain an excellent road system on the lake. Even with 2 wheel drive you can get to areas with fish but you will have to leave your vehicle on the side of the road and walk a little ways (don’t drill holes right next to the roads).

    Randy covered lure selection pretty well. Fish ’em high, 3′-5′ off the bottom, and you might find a decent walleye Randy

    Elkhorn, WI
    Posts: 182

    I’ll most likely be solo too, have room in the truck and a two man flip. If someone wants they can ride and fish with me or we could meet up at an access and just ride out on the lake. Also have plenty of gear for at least another person and a spare LX-5….
    I can even through in my Honda 2000w generator if anyone wanted to bring something that needs to stay hot, let me know. Like I said I’ll bring a grill and some johnsonvilles, hot dogs and the fixings.

    Gregg Pfeifer
    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 889

    Anyone have GPS coordinates on where to meet on the lake or should we meet at Merritt St. landing that Randy suggested? What time?

    Al, if you’re passing by Fort on 26 and would like a travel buddy that’ll chip in for gas let me know.

    Wisconsin, Outagamie
    Posts: 515

    Never fished bago. Sounds fun. Keep us informed.

    Elkhorn, WI
    Posts: 182

    Gregg, sure can run up through Fort and pick you up… Send me a pm and we’ll figure out the details.

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    Any lake in Waukesha County then end up here for prizes and more beer! sick!!!! Now this would have been a great place to have the GTG!

    Kelly Jordan
    Fort Atikinson,Wisc
    Posts: 329

    I’m in ,Greg , I have flip over 2 man shelter and truck, and I can see where you live from my back yard.

    Gregg Pfeifer
    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 889

    Al offered a ride. We might all be able to travel together. Working on getting WeFish to join us too. I think Jeff is to busy warming his couch

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13923

    The 8th is sturgeon spearing weekend, so it will be busy with all the guys in the dark houses. Would be cool to see some of the fish they get.

    What is the consensus of going out of Merrit Ave in Oshkosh? Easy access – Exit 9th Ave from HWY 41 – Proceed East to HWY 45 (S. Main St.) Turn left and go north. Over the bridge and a couple blocks. Turn Right on Merrit Ave. There is a bait shop/BP gas station on Merrit a few blocks from the lake.
    Perch bite has been almost straight out. Need to move around and look. To the north is Garlic and that has been having its moments

    Gregg Pfeifer
    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 889

    Merritt Ave sounds good to me. What time do you like to start? We could meet just off the landing or at the bait shop.

    Kelly Jordan
    Fort Atikinson,Wisc
    Posts: 329

    Sounds like a plan, I can be there at any time to start,(earlier the better) We fish get your butt up here with us , if anyone needs it, I have plenty of gear to share. Ill toss the jiffy in the truck also. And the little gas grill

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13923

    I’ll be up there between 6 and 6:30. Pending someone riding with. I think we caravan out by 7 and anyone coming later can meet up. For those with gps or smart phones, they can get cords from us.

    Elkhorn, WI
    Posts: 182

    We need to get We-Fish to come along too, between you and I we’ll be able to get Gregg and Andy set-up. We can caravan up there, I’ve got a 4 door truck but can’t fit two shantys and auger and all the other crap in back…

    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 1444

    Was able to juggle some things, so I’m in too. With winter in full gear now, might as well forget about putting the boat in open water till June. So, when in Rome, do as ……you know the rest. Looking forward to seeing the old faces and meeting some new ones.

    Gregg Pfeifer
    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 889

    That’s a heat wave compared to this week. Too bad it’s almost 2 weeks out. Hope it’s not gusting.

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13923

    winds are forecasted 5 with gusts to 12.

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972

    Damn…I wish I could be there..
    Sounds like a lot of fun

    Good luck guys!

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972


    Damn…I wish I could be there..
    Sounds like a lot of fun

    Good luck guys!

    Well..After some intense negotiations with the boss and a phone call to the kid I was able to move my trip to Green Bay up 2 I should be able to make this
    I will need a ride out on the ice,I’ll be driving my wagon and it gets stuck just looking at a snowbank

    Sounds like a blast

    Gregg Pfeifer
    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 889

    Excellent. It sounds like we’ll have a big, interesting and fun group. With any luck we might even be able to shut up long enough to get some fishing in. I got a great recipe for fish chowder and need some fresh fillets. The plan is to meet at Merritt Ave. landing by 7.


    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13923

    I have a tan color GMC, with a Highliner cap (gamakatsu/Quatum decals on back…the IDO sticker has faded to pure white

    I’ll be on the ice at Merrit Ave before 7, pulled off the side out of traffic. Spearing starts, so it will be busy there. Z-man is running out with me. I have an extended cab, so some room for another if needed. Short box truck, so limited space in the rear. I have one more outing scheduled for up there before the 8th, so hopefully that will help. Anyone else running navionics on their phone?

    LaCrosse WI
    Posts: 2972

    Randy..I’ll give you call just before I get there and you can tell me how the parking is

    Gregg Pfeifer
    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 889

    I do have Navionics on my phone. Nice app and cheap! I also had it on the phone that slipped out of my pocket and down the hole a couple weeks ago and is now on the rock pile at the bottom of Kosh

    Janesville, WI
    Posts: 402

    Cleared my calendar and have at least 1, possibly 2, guys coming also. Let me know if there is anything I could bring to the GTG. I still have Databoy’s cell number if he hasn’t changed it. We might want to exchange cell numbers in case someone is late to the party. I will probably bring a wheeler or snowmobile with me–or both.

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