Trolling Bite Still Hot on Lake Koshkonong

  • jeff-patrick
    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    Trolling Lake Koshkonong.

    Posts: 348

    heres my dad with a couple jumbo lake michigan perch, 12.5 and 14.5!!

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    NICE photos Jeff, as always. Looks like your fish are eating well. Nice fatties!


    Trolling Lake Koshkonong.

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    Thanks for the pic’s Mike, now tell us how you caught them and what you used.

    Posts: 348

    small shiners with plain hook and split shot. very simple!!

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    All done playing Vacation and donating my services to Fishing Has No Boundaries for the handicap anglers. So now its time to hit the rock and the big pond or what some anglers that call it the Dead Sea(Lake Koshhkonong)

    Has anybody been doing any good latey?

    Gregg Pfeifer
    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 889

    Hey Jeff, I actually have been out lately. I tried trolling near the mouth from Vinniehaha to the junk pile Saturday morning and ended up with a couple big white bass and a couple small eyes. Sunday we tried trolling from Carcajou and headed across the lake. Lots of white bass but no walleyes. Lots of other boats trolling too but only saw them with white bass too but lots of boats were catching lots of them. We all seemed to catch a school and the action stayed constant for a couple hours or so.

    Saturday PM we tried Ripley. I’d take the Kosh trollers and big open space anyday over that rat race of skiers, however I did end up with a 21″, 5 lb. large mouth bass.

    We were actually looking for northern pike both days but they eluded us. Do you guys get pike while while trolling for eyes or is there another method and/or area of the lake they usually like? Does anybody target northern exclusively like we like to do or do most of you still consider them a nuisance and annoying fish that bites your lines off while trying to catch walleye?

    Posts: 348

    long time no talk. i thought everyone gave up fishing. not much fishing for me either. my boat is for sale if anyone is interested.

    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 1444

    We’re still out here, Mike, just not much to post on the Rock, not for me anyway. been out on the Big Pond a few times in last couple weeks, but thats it. With my oldest getting married on Saturday in Michigan, gonna be out of commission for another week or two. But been keeping my eyes on this thread, so when the time comes, will be back at it.

    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    You can launch at Blackhawk Island now. Still no wake on river but should be lifted soon.

    Menomonee Falls, WI
    Posts: 1020

    Anybody still dragging lines out there? Since we’ve has a couple of dog days of summer jump up any action out there. My try to sneak out this weekend.


    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 2128

    My son and I went Sunday and Tuesday and justed hammered the big white bass. It was alot of work but to see my son having fun it was worth it. He also caught two small muskies and one ten pound pike. One time all four boards went at once, a four banger you should have seen my sons face. And that big pike ripped the board off which was great for Connor then he didn’t have to fight the board and pike. While he was fight that big fish I got all the lines in and killed the boat and then the game was on. All fish were CPR to. I’ll be doing a report as soon as my film is used up. Dam 24 exp. usally I do the 12 exp. Got to get a digtal.

    Guys got my new hats Monday and man are they sweet.

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